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Liberal Arts Major

Classical Languages Emphasis

School of Arts and Sciences



  • Liberal Arts Core
  • 39-44 Units
  • ART 311: Art History I
  • 3

This is a survey course of Western art from the Prehistoric Period through the Renaissance, employing illustrated lectures, independent research, museum visits, and discussion. This class is offered alternate years in the spring semester.


  • ART 312: Art History II
  • 3

This course is a survey of Western art from the Renaissance up to the 20th century employing illustrated lectures, independent research, museum visits and discussion. This class is offered alternate years in the spring semester.

  • CENG 201: World Literature to the Renaissance
  • 3

This course will focus on critical thinking and research-based writing through comparative and interdisciplinary analysis. Alongside lectures and class discussion, the study of representative great works of Western and non-Western literature from Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance will emphasize the literary, cultural, and religious significance of these texts. Co-requisite: CHST 201; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take CENG 201 as an unlinked course.

  • COM 324: Intercultural Communication
  • 3

Social and cultural variables in speech communication processes and strategies for resolving communication problems in intercultural settings with an emphasis on variables such as perception, roles, language codes, and nonverbal communication will be examined in this course.

  • HST 410: Mythology
  • 3

The reception of classical antiquity depends on both the stories the ancients told themselves, as well as their interpretation and reinscription in subsequent times and places. This course traces the debt moderns owe to the earliest recorded stories that shaped civilizations, both to appreciate the stories in their own historical context as well as consider the responses (both those that identify with antiquity and those that assume its alienation) of succeeding eras, culminating in critical consideration of contemporary cultural evocation of the classical tradition. Prerequisite: CHST 201 or CHST 202 or HST 201.

  • HUM 495: Senior Project (1-3 units)
  • 1

In this capstone course students will meet with an instructor once per week in order to formulate, research, and discuss an appropriate topic for their written project. Topics must be interdisciplinary, combining their emphasis within the major with another discipline within the major. Prerequisite: Liberal Arts major and senior standing.

  • MUS 352: Music of World Cultures -OR- MUS 482: Music Cultures: Musical Expression in Christianity
  • 3

MUS 352: Music of World Cultures - This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal cultural phenomenon and the discipline of ethnomusicology with exposure to the musical and social aspects of folk, traditional, and art music of regions from Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Latin America, and North America. Experience in music is encouraged but not required.


MUS 482: Music Cultures: Musical Expression in Christianity - This course will survey of the role, development, and function of music in the Christian church from its roots in the Old Testament to the present day, with attention given to biblical, theological, social, and cultural considerations. Offered alternate years.

  • REL 321: World Religions
  • 3

This survey course of the world's major non-Christian religions will include motifs, belief patterns, ritual and worship, ethics, social patterns, origin and development, and sacred writings.

  • THR 251: Introduction to Theatre
  • 3

This course will provide an overview of the various conventions, forms, styles, and genres of the theatre, including principles of play analysis and exploration of theatre criticism from dramaturgical, literary, and cultural perspectives through the thematic discussions of representative plays. There may be an additional charge for required field trips.

  • Classical Languages Emphasis
  • 19 Units
  • GRE 101: Greek I
  • 4

This course will study the fundamentals of the ancient Greek language including morphology, syntax, and vocabulary for reading simple passages of Greek prose.

  • GRE 102: Greek 2
  • 4

A continuation of GRE 101. Prerequisite: GRE 101 or equivalent with a grade of C- or better.

  • LAT 101: Fundamentals of Latin I
  • 4

This course will study the fundamentals of the Latin language including morphology, syntax, and vocabulary for reading simple passages of Latin prose and poetry.

  • LAT 102: Fundamentals of Latin II
  • 4

A continuation of LAT 101. Prerequisite: LAT 101 or equivalent.

  • Choose one of the following courses:
  • GRE 301: Greek Readings*
  • 3

Readings of selected portions of the ancient Greek Biblical and classical texts with special emphasis on building translation skills through a review of morphology and syntax as well as the acquisition of the new vocabulary. Prerequisites: C- or better in GRE 101GRE 102. May be repeated for credit.

  • LAT 301: Latin Readings
  • 3

Rapid readings and translation of classical and medieval Latin texts. Topics may include prose authors (Cicero, Caesar, Livy, Tacitus), poets (Catullus, Virgil, Horace, Ovid), medieval literature (Augustine through the Reformation), and prose composition. Prerequisites: C- or better in LAT 101 and LAT 102. May be repeated for credit.

Current students, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.

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