Friday, July 13, 1787
By Center for Civics Education
Posted on 7/13/2020 - 4 minute read
It has been said that “money is the root of all evil.” However, the original saying was quite different, and often overlooked. The original version is found in the book of Timothy in the New Testament of the Bible and reads, “the love of money is the root of all evil.” It is an important distinction. One is about greed, the other is about a medium of exchange and a common measure of value. Simply put, money buys things. It buys food, clothes, animals, land, services of carpenters and coopers, and a myriad of necessities and luxuries of life. It is used by government to build armies, equip navies, and pay tax collectors, judges, and others in government service. Money is important, even if the love of money can be ruinous.
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