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Becoming America: How We Gained and Secured Freedom and Self-Government

Center for Civics Education

Becoming America: How We Gained and Secured Freedom and Self-Government

Becoming America: How We Gained and Secured Freedom and Self Government is an eighteen-part lecture series delivered and live-streamed at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum. Hosted by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and co-sponsored by the Center for Civics Education at Concordia University Irvine, the series covers the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and remaining seventeen Amendments.

From British America to the United States of America

America’s story began more than 400 years ago with firm support from the King of England. Less than two centuries later, appeals to ancient English rights were actually used against English rule and a new country was born – free and independent. America’s story is your story - it is your inheritance.

A More Perfect Union: The Constitution of the United States

The Constitution is more than a symbol – it is “the Supreme Law of the Land!” It puts “We the People” in charge. That’s us! Are you prepared to play your part?

The Bill of Rights and Guarantees of Liberty

More than 11,500 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed, but only twenty-seven have been ratified. One was even rescinded! But they protect your freedoms of speech and religion, trial by a jury, voting rights and even how we elect the President. If they changed the Constitution, you need to know why.

“A Bunch of Other Amendments, But They Count!” – Jo Ellen Chatham Ph. D.

  • Bearing Arms
  • Quartering Soldiers
  • Unreasonable Searches and Seizures
  • Protections in Trials
  • More Protections in Trials
  • Even More Protections in Trials
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