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Center for Civics Education
Dr. Jo Ellen Chatham
Director, Center for Civics Education
[email protected]
Convention: A Daily Journal is a day-by-day journal of the 1787 Constitutional Convention convened by twelve of the original thirteen states to amend the Articles of Confederation and create a “more perfect union.” It chronicles the daily activities of the Convention, profiles the delegates and their interactions with each other, and looks back to life in America in the 1780s. Writing in the first person, the story is told from an “observer” hearing events as told in contemporary newspaper accounts and delegates’ personal notes and letters.
By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/21/2020 - 4 minute read
Today two delegates representing Delaware arrived, but not enough to constitute a majority from Delaware. Consequently, the convention still lacks a quorum and cannot conduct business.
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By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/20/2020 - 4 minute read
Tomorrow will mark one week since the Federal Convention was scheduled to meet. Still, a quorum has not been achieved. George Washington has attended the informal meetings held each day in the State House but is increasingly frustrated that official proceedings cannot begin. Writing to Arthur Lee, a friend and fellow Virginian, he lamented the current state of affairs. “These delays,” he wrote, “greatly impede public measures and sour the temper of the punctual members, who do not like to idle away their time.”
By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/19/2020 - 4 minute read
Delegates continue to arrive but not in the numbers needed to achieve the required quorum of seven States. New Jersey was the first to name delegates and recently added two more, including William Livingston. Assuming Abraham Clark and William Paterson will arrive in the middle of next week, and with David Brearley already here, New Jersey will soon have a majority of its delegates and be counted among the States needed for the quorum.
By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/18/2020 - 4 minute read
Delegates continue to straggle in every day, but not in sufficient numbers to achieve a quorum. For some, this is a foreboding sign. Today Jared Ingersoll, a Pennsylvania delegate, wrote to his friend Thomas Shippen, “We have no news to communicate, unless our prospects appear to become more gloomy. I look with much anxiety. I fear confusion, if nothing worse. Our federal government seems to be expiring. What will be the substitute, whether better or worse or how soon any other system may get established it is impossible to predict.”
By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/17/2020 - 4 minute read
Delegates continue to arrive daily, but still not enough for a quorum. Today John Rutledge and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney came in from South Carolina. Pinckney’s second cousin, Charles, and Pierce Butler are expected any day, and will complete the South Carolina complement.
By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/16/2020 - 4 minute read
Still, only two states are represented in the State House. For convenience it was agreed to alter the time of the daily meeting to one o’clock until enough States arrive to constitute a quorum. In the meantime, the Virginians meet together in the morning but have begun spending time with the Pennsylvania delegates, renewing old friendships, and making new ones.
By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/15/2020 - 4 minute read
“Repaired at the hour appointed to the State House, but no more States being represented than were yesterday (tho’ several more members had come in) we agreed to meet again tomorrow. (Govr. Randolph from Virginia came in today.)”
By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/14/2020 - 3 minute read
It has been raining for the last few days and it is overcast this morning. The streets are muddy, but the State House is only a few short blocks from the Morris mansion, Mrs. House’s boardinghouse and other inns where convention delegates have found lodging.
By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/13/2020 - 4 minute read
“About 8 Oclock Mr. Corbin and myself set out, and dined at Chester (Mrs. Withy’s) where I was met by the Genls. Mifflin (now Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly), Knox, and Varnum – The colonels Humphreys and Minges and Majors Jackson and Nicholas – with whom I proceeded to Philada. At Gray’s Ferry the City light horse commanded by Colo. Miles met me, and escorted me in by the Artillery Officers who stood arranged & saluted me as I passed. Alighted through a crowd at Mrs. Houses – but being again warmly and kindly pressed by Mr. & Mrs. Rob. Morris to lodge with them. I did so and had my baggage removed thither. Waited on the President, Doctr. Franklin, as soon as I got to Town. On my arrival, the Bells were chimed.”
By Center for Civics Education Posted on 5/12/2020 - 4 minute read
The Federal Convention is scheduled to begin this coming Monday, May 14. All of the state legislatures except Rhode Island have appointed delegates. Last September, the General Assembly of Rhode Island sent a letter to the Confederation Congress explaining its refusal to participate.
For more information, please contact the Director:
Dr. Jo Ellen Chatham Director, Center for Civics Education [email protected] 949-214-3200