Looking forward to speaking with our guest today. She has been a Sports Dietitian with USC athletics since August of 2019. Before that, she spent two years as a Performance Dietitian at EXOS. Before that, she was an assistant with Reiju for two years with part of her job working with the LA Clippers in sports nutrition. She earned her bachelor's degree from Loyola Marymount. She played volleyball. She's got a master's degree from Loma Linda University. And with all of her knowledge, she's now an adjunct faculty member at Concordia University's Master's in Coaching and Athletics Administration program. She is Krysten McCaughey, and she joins us now.
Show Highlights
- What a dietitian’s job entails
- How she changed her course and discovered nutrition as an undergrad at LMU
- The steady growth of nutrition in athletics
- The variation from one sport to another in what athletes need to perform at their peak
- We know for pro athletes nutrition is important, what about at the high school level?
- The requirement by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for a master's degree
- How the pandemic altered how athletes fuel for the activities they’re doing
- How nutrition supports the longevity of a pro athlete’s career
- Coaches set the culture for what they want out of their players
Tags: Masters in Coaching, Nutrition, Basketball, Volleyball, Faculty, MCAA Podcast