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Six Spooky Tips for Taming Academic Papers

October 31, 2019 - 2 minute read

October is upon us. The desert winds sweep in to dry out the air. Pumpkins show up in grocery stores, in cafes and on front porches. The nights are chilly, Californians are daydreaming about changing seasons and colorful leaves, and Concordia students are getting excited for Halloween.

Speaking of Halloween, what’s more frightening than academic papers? Those pesky ghouls make our bones shiver and our heads feel like pumpkins. They raise the hair on the back of our necks and send us diving under the covers for shelter.

Fortunately, academic papers are rarely dangerous if treated properly. If you encounter an academic paper in the wild, here are a few tips to help you stay safe.

  1. Don’t panic. While the jury is still out as to whether or not academic papers can smell fear, most scholars agree that panic makes them look bigger and more overwhelming. Instead, take a few minutes to calm down and see past the paper’s frightening exterior before you approach it.
  2. Once you’re calm, approach the academic paper with care. Take the time to know as much about its subject as possible (librarians, professors, and Writing Studio consultants often have great resources and advice for this step). The more you know about the paper’s subject, the easier it will be to tame it once you start writing.
  3. Examine the information you gathered and look for interesting ideas. Find three or four interesting points that work together or find one big point and identify three or four parts of that point that can be supported with the evidence you found. It’s always best if you can find points that interest you, especially since papers require a significant investment of your time.
  4. Academic papers feed on specifics and details. The more of those you can supply, the happier your paper will be.
  5. Make sure your paper is properly tagged with all the necessary citations. Visit Purdue OWL, the Writing Studio, or your professor for more information.
  6. Bring the paper to the Writing Studio, where trained consultants can help you handle any questions or difficulties you may have.

While encountering an academic paper may be frightening, with proper care and attention they can become some of your proudest achievements. Grab some candy, wrap up in a blanket, and happy writing!


Jordan Kaiser is a reader, writer, archeophile, lover of legend, and now a senior with a humanities/creative writing major. She has been an active blogger since 2014, and has graded high school papers for the last two years, critiquing genres from fiction and dialogue to exposition and persuasion. For Jordan, words mean something, so like any smith who beats and hammers bronze or iron into something beautiful or functional, she loves to shape and fashion words into writings that reflect, illuminate, and edify.

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