The short answer: yes.
The longer answer: It’s your responsibility to let the writing consultant know when and how you have used AI tools and to bring an assignment sheet or syllabus which clearly states the instructor’s policy. Writing consultants will always honor the professor’s assignment sheet and/or syllabus guidelines. In instances when AI tools have been used to create work for an assignment that does not allow the use of those tools, the writing consultant will remind you that AI generated work in this case may be a violation of the Honor Code and of the professor’s assignment guidelines.
When allowed, writing consultants may use AI tools during a session in these ways: 1) to gather specific information on a topic, 2) to brainstorm ideas for a topic, 3) to format citations, 4) to outline ideas, 5) to revise an outline, 6) to reword an idea, 7) to help with specific language issues.
The Writing Studio does not promote the use of AI tools to create whole works or full paragraphs of text.