President: Reagan Wagner
Faculty Advisor: Michael Bergler
Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) is the national leadership honor society, recognizing juniors and seniors for their leadership on and off campus in a variety of fields, including:
- Scholarship
- Athletics
- Campus/Community Service, Social/Religious Activities and Campus Government
- Journalism, Speech and the Mass Media
- Creative and Performing Arts
Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who are in the top 35% of their class academically will receive an invitation to apply for membership in late October via email. Selections are made and new members are initiated in January.
Members are then eligible to apply for scholarships for graduate school and other leadership awards, as well as attend regional and national leadership conferences.
As a campus organization, ODK promotes community service and leadership activities on/off campus, often co-sponsoring with other groups.
Find out more about Omicron Delta Kappa.
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