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  • Theological Studies: Christian Education Leadership
  • 49 Units
  • Theological Foundations
  • Exegetical Theology
  • 6 Units
  • THL 311: Old Testament Book of the Bible
  • 3

This course will offer an in-depth study of a single book of the Old Testament or several books in their entirety which will vary from offering to offering and be selected by the instructor. Prerequisite: THL 201 or consent of instructor. This course may be repeated for credit if a different book is studied.


  • THL 312: New Testament Book of the Bible
  • 3

This course will offer an in-depth study of a single book of the New Testament or several smaller books in their entirety which will vary from offering to offering and be selected by the instructor. Prerequisite: THL 202 or consent of instructor. This course may be repeated for credit if a different book is studied.

  • THL 429: Biblical Theology and Exegesis
  • 3

Through an intensive study of the major themes of the Old and New Testaments, this course will introduce and apply the tools and principles of exegesis and hermeneutics with special emphasis on deriving Law and Gospel principles for use in congregational ministry. Prerequisites: THL 201 and THL 202 or concurrent enrollment allowed.

  • Systematic Theology (Doctrine)
  • 6 Units
  • THL 371: Christian Doctrine and Confessions I
  • 3

This introductory course in systematic and confessional theology will cover theological method, revelation and Scripture, Law and Gospel, the Triune God and His attributes, humanity and sin, and the person and work of Jesus Christ as the God-man, with an emphasis on key biblical material and its expression in the Lutheran Confessions.

  • THL 372: Christian Doctrine and Confessions II
  • 3

This introductory course in systematic and confessional theology will cover the work of Christ, the person and the work of the Holy Spirit, the church and eschatology with an emphasis on key biblical materials and its expression in the Lutheran Confessions. Prerequisite: THL 371.

  • Historical Theology
  • 3 Units
  • THL 304: History of the Christian Church
  • 3

This course will survey the origin and development of the Christian church through the examination of its political and cultural contexts and influences with special consideration given to theological themes which surfaced at different times and places throughout the history of the Christian church, culminating with 21st century trends in fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and ecumenism.

  • Missions
  • 3 Units
  • THL 430: Christian Apologetics
  • 3

The relationship of the Christian faith to the major philosophies and ideologies that conflict with Christianity will be evaluated from the 2nd century to the present in this course. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or consent of instructor.


  • THL 481: The Mission of Christ's Church
  • 3

This course will provide an overview of the theology and practice of Christian missions including the historical development, missionary methods, evangelism programs, and paradigm shifts, to develop the skills needed to share the Gospel to others.

  • Other Theological Thought
  • 3 Units
  • REL 321: World Religions
  • 3

This survey course of the world's major non-Christian religions will include motifs, belief patterns, ritual and worship, ethics, social patterns, origin and development, and sacred writings.


  • REL 375: Contemporary Religious Bodies
  • 3

This introductory survey course of several major Western theological positions is organized around the systems of Roman Catholicism, Luther, Calvin and Wesley. Prerequisites: CTHL 101 or CTHL 200 or equivalent.

  • Christian Education Leadership
  • CED 201: Introduction to Christian Education: Theory and Practice
  • 3

Students will be introduced to the biblical, theological, and historical foundations of Christian education within the church in this course as they meet and observe Christian education practitioners; create a philosophy of ministry; begin a professional portfolio; and explore their personal interests, giftedness, and skills in relation to those needed for success in Christian education leadership. Students will also determine their commitment to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Director of Christian Education program. Course requirement: Completion of fingerprint clearance procedures including payment of appropriate fees.

  • CED 202: Church Leadership and Administration
  • 3

In this course students will explore biblical principles and current practices of leaders and managers: envisioning, organizing, recruitment, training, and supervision of volunteers, budgeting, publicizing, and evaluating with special emphasis upon the application of these functions to church and parachurch leadership and administration. Learning culminates in a strategic ministry plan used within students' fieldwork congregations. Prerequisite: Fingerprint clearance or consent of Christ College's Office of Church Vocations.

  • CED 401: Senior Fieldwork Seminar I
  • 3

In this course students will spend time on-site with a serving DCE to acquire experience and skills related to DCE ministry, including evaluation of the practicum experience, presentation of current DCE ministry trends, resources, and philosophies. Prerequisites: Student is in final year of and fully accepted into the DCE program/Christian Education Leadership major.

  • CED 402: Senior Fieldwork Seminar II
  • 3

Continuation of CED 401. Prerequisite: CED 401.

  • CED 470: Family Systems
  • 3

This course will examine the dynamics of family interaction from a systems perspective. An understanding of family systems theory will be applied to the historical, sociological, theological, and biblical contexts of family life and the church. Topics will include family formation, the process of family life, family history, non-nuclear families, and crisis assessment.

  • PSY 466: Principles of Counseling
  • 3

This foundation course will provide an understanding of the content and process of counseling including basic skills, legal and ethical issues, crisis intervention, cultural sensitivity, how and when to refer, control-mastery theory, and the integration of psychology and theology.

  • THL 222: Christian Witness and Evangelism
  • 1

This course will introduce students to the theology and practice of Christian evangelism through the development of the skills needed to share the Gospel with others.

  • Choose 2 of the following:
  • CED 370: Children’s and Family Ministry
  • 3

This course will examine and evaluate methods and materials appropriate for faith development and reflective of the physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of children aged birth through grade six. Evaluation of curriculum, facilities, policies, and procedures towards a comprehensive ministry to and with children and their families will be addressed, emphasizing the involvement of children along with their families into the total life of the church. A fieldwork component is required.

  • CED 380: Youth Ministry and Culture
  • 3

This course examines youth ministry in the context of cultural influences on adolescents in society today through the lens of Lutheran theology. The course will include discussions on traditional adolescent issues and responses that seek to address these issues. A fieldwork component is required.

  • CED 455: Catechesis: Theory and Practice
  • 3

This course will survey the history, theory, and practice of catechesis in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Students will examine a variety of catechetical models and skills needed to develop a holistic approach to the catechesis of youth, adults, and families. A fieldwork component is required. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: THL 371 (concurrent enrollment allowed).

  • CED 460: Adult Ministry
  • 3

This course will introduce students to the theological foundation of ministry to and with adults, stages of adulthood, adult learning, generational theories, unique needs of contemporary adults, theory and practice of small group ministry, and current programs and practices which will equip adults for ministry, build-up the body of Christ, and develop adults' faith in Christ.

Current students, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this minor and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your minor. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for official requirements you must meet to qualify.

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