General Behavioral Issues:
It should go without saying that forensic activities are an extension of the Concordia campus life, meaning that all campus rules and expectations apply at tournaments. Taking part in inappropriate activities while at tournaments is an excellent way to be invited to leave forensics. The Director of Forensics WILL NOT allow the activity itself to be endangered by the irresponsible actions of a few. No single person is so important that this does not apply to her/him.
- Dealing with Everybody: Whether a member of the CUI forensics team or members of another team, everyone deserves to be treated with respect. This means that any behavior that is offensive or harassing in nature is unacceptable. Whether in person or electronically, it is never acceptable to demean or degrade someone.
- Dealing with Team Members: Not everybody will be close friends with everybody else on the team. This, however, does not excuse inappropriate behavior from one person to another. Matthew 18 outlines how to deal with conflict. First, approach the person individually. If this does not resolve the issue, then approach that person with a member of the coaching staff. Finally, if this does not solve the issue, the DOF and other members of the coaching staff will mediate the conflict. This means that mature Christianity confronts issues and does not resort to name-calling, gossiping, or being overly critical. Our Lord called us to love one another and behaviors that do not show Christ-like behavior are not appropriate.
- Dealing with Coaches: Each member of the coaching staff has a great deal to offer students. It is always inappropriate to disrespect these people who are working hard to ensure everyone’s success. None of the assistant coaches is compensated enough for the time that each of them puts into this activity.
As a result, it is expected that everyone will ALWAYS make any coaching appointments that have been scheduled. Except for extreme and unforeseen emergencies, coaches must be alerted of any missed coaching time at least 24 hours in advance of the appointment. The first miss is a warning and the second miss will cause removal from the Forensics team and may result in loss of any applicable scholarship for the semester.
Finally, disrespect directed toward the coaching staff is NEVER acceptable. By simple virtue of her/his position, each coach deserves the respect of each student. The Apostle Paul reminds each of us to respect those in authority over us and that should be practiced and behaved on this competitive team. Some coaches have strengths in areas that others may not, but that does not invalidate their expertise. Certain acts of disrespect may result in immediate dismissal from the team.
Tournament Behaviors:
While representing Concordia by attending and/or participating in a tournament, each member of the Forensics Team will be expected to subscribe to the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, and for clarity, please note the following:
- Consumption of Alcohol: The use of alcohol at tournaments is not permitted. Squad members who possess, distribute, and/or use alcohol while attending a tournament will be subject to suspension or expulsion from the forensics team. Traveling to and from tournaments and competing at tournaments is not an appropriate time to drink.
- Use of Narcotics: Unless prescribed by a doctor, the use of any narcotics at tournaments is not permitted. Students who possess, distribute, and/or use narcotic or any type of controlled substance will be subject to suspension and/or expulsion from the forensics team. Cold medications and/or aspirin are not to be considered a narcotic and are acceptable medicines.
- Sexual Activity: Individuals, whether students or coaches, not married to one another may not engage in sexual activities at tournaments. Affectionate behavior that is not sexual in nature between couples who are dating, engaged or married is appropriate, so long as they do not create an uncomfortable atmosphere for the rest of the team. Non-married members of the opposite sex may not sleep in the same room.
Christian Witness:
As a traveling team for a Christian University, all members of the team should strive to uphold the values set forth by Christ Jesus. This is not just about obeying the school rules, but is also about “going the extra mile.” For example, each team member should be the most supportive audience member possible and be willing to help others or encourage them when they could use encouragement. Speeches should be edifying, and not objectionable.