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Kinesiology Major

Physical Activity, Fitness and Wellness

School of Health and Human Sciences



The Physical Activity, Fitness and Wellness emphasis is designed for students who plan to pursue careers in fitness, exercise sciences, wellness, or physical activity and overall health. Possible careers include Personal Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Nutritionist, Wellness Educator, and Corporate Wellness. When paired with a PE or Coaching minor, students are well prepared to pursue a career as a coach or PE teacher.

  • Bachelor of Science: Kinesiology
  • 60 Units
  • Core Courses
  • 39 Units
  • BIO 246: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
  • 4

First of a two-semester sequence in human anatomy and physiology. Topics include the structure and function of cells, tissues, and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Introduces common human disease processes.  Emphasis is on interrelationships among systems and regulation of physiological functions involved in maintaining homeostasis. Laboratory component includes anatomical studies using microscopy and dissection and the study of physiological concepts via experimentation.  Lab time is included in the schedule. A lab fee is required. Prerequisite: C- or better in BIO 111 or consent of instructor. Offered annually (fall semester).

  • BIO 247: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • 4

Second of a two-semester sequence in human anatomy and physiology.  Topics include the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic/immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Introduces common human disease processes.  Emphasis is on interrelationships among systems and regulation of physiological functions involved in maintain homeostasis. Laboratory component includes anatomical studies using microscopy and dissection and the study of physiological concepts via experimentation.   Lab time is included in the schedule. A lab fee is required. Prerequisites: C- or better in BIO 111 and BIO 246 or consent of instructor. Offered annually (spring semester).

  • KIN 220: Foundations of Human Movement Studies
  • 3

This course will introduce and explore the broad field of human movement, exercise and physical activity. This course will introduce students to the domains and disciplines of study used to understand human movement, exercise and physical activity. Students will learn how to read, understand, critique, and write research articles the discipline of Kinesiology.

  • KIN 304: Motor Learning and Control
  • 3

This course will give an overview of significant behavioral theories which influence and determine the learning and production of motor skills. Included will be learning theories and motor control theories as well as application of theory to motor performance.

  • KIN 305: Motor Development
  • 3

This course will study motor skills and physical development from birth to adulthood with an emphasis on infancy, childhood, and adolescence including neurological, physiological, intellectual, social, and emotional factors that influence gross and fine movement activities.

  • KIN 320: Historical, Social, Cultural Foundations of Sport and P.E.
  • 3

This course will present and discuss the philosophical, historical, and sociological constructs relevant to sport and physical education. Philosophy of sport will explore ways to understand sport involvement. History of sport will be explored from Ancient Greece to modern times. Sociology of sport will be explored regarding current challenges, relevant issues, and controversies in sport and physical education.

  • KIN 365: Sport Psychology
  • 3

The role of psychomotor and cognitive factors in human movement and sport settings are discussed and explored in this course along with selected topics of such as personality theory, arousal, attribution theory, achievement motivation, anxiety, sport performance interventions, goal setting, attention styles, aggression, social facilitation, social reinforcement, and imagery.

  • KIN 403: Biomechanics
  • 4

This introductory course will look at the basic principles of anatomical mechanics and their applications to human movement including an analysis of efficient movement. Lab time is included in the schedule. A lab fee is required. Prerequisite: KIN 317.

  • KIN 406: Exercise Physiology
  • 4

This course applies the physiological principles to the study of human performance in exercise. A lab fee is required. Prerequisites: BIO 246 and BIO 247.

  • KIN 407: Kinesiology
  • 4

This course will study human movement with an emphasis on the structure and function of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. A lab fee is required. Prerequisite: BIO 246.

  • KIN 410: Statistics and Measurement
  • 4

The development, evaluation, and administration of measurement techniques and tests in exercise science will be explored through lecture and practical applications. Basic statistical analyses and applications in interpreting tests and measurements are taught. A lab fee is required.

  • Physical Activity, Fitness and Wellness Emphasis
  • 21 Units
  • KIN 344: Health and Wellness Programming
  • 3

This course covers the design and implementation of worksite health promotion programs and the benefits these programs have for both employees and employers. Students will review various health risk appraisals and plan theory-based incentive programs designed to promote positive lifestyles. Opportunities for learning behavior change models and methods will be provided through wellness coaching sessions.

  • KIN 393: Practicum: Kinesiology
  • 3

This course is a practical, hands-on experience outside the classroom directly related to the student's major, minor or professional program that is a beneficial complement to the student's academic experience. Offered as a Pass/No Pass course.

  • Choose five (5) of the following courses:
  • KIN 105: Christian Wellness
  • 3

A foundational exploration into Christ-centered wellness and how to construct a comprehensive strategy to develop and maintain personal wellness in relationship with God.

  • KIN 225: Principles of Weight Training and Cross Training
  • 3

A theory to practice approach to strength training and aerobic cross training methods will be examined in this course as students learn how to test, design, and implement strength training and aerobic cross training programs for sport and fitness. Prerequisite: KIN majors and minors only; non-KIN majors and minors must have consent of department chair.

  • KIN 306: Nutritional Sciences
  • 3

This course will explore issues pertinent to the study of health and nutrition for the active individual. This course will analyze concepts and controversies and will emphasize the importance of research and clinical studies in the current nutritional literature. Students will also examine and discuss key concepts concerning the role of nutrition in overall health and well-being for a healthy lifestyle.

  • KIN 307: Exercise and Gerontology
  • 3

This course is will explore the latest evidence-based research on the effects of aging and will familiarize students with the physiological impacts of aging as it relates to the decline in physical development, cardiovascular and pulmonary functioning, and muscular strength and power. This course will also introduce the effects of declining motor skills as well as other physical-psychosocial relationships associated with aging.

  • KIN 325: Exercise Testing and Prescription
  • 3

This is a National Council of Strength and Fitness (NCSF) approved course for those who want advanced personal training certification. Topics will include functional anatomy; health and fitness screening and assessment; cardiovascular assessment and prescription; strength and power assessment and prescription; nutrition and weight management. Prerequisite: KIN 225 or consent of department chair.

  • KIN 330: Lifestyle Medicine and Wellness
  • 3

This course will explore the research evidence for lifestyle effects on health and wellness including; nutrition, fluids, physical activity, stress, depression, happiness, sleep, pain management, and addiction; issues in health literacy; lifestyle effects on behavior change and motivation; and the role of lifestyle on chronic disease. Students will learn an alternative way of understanding health and health care compared to the typical pay-for-service or caring for the sick health care model.

  • KIN 335: Physical Activity and Epidemiology
  • 3

This course will explore the effects of physical activity on chronic disease prevention and health promotion throughout the life span, from clinical and public health perspectives. Discussion and application of real-life physical activity assessment, research, guidelines, and promotion in population levels. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to understand and utilize epidemiology statistics.

  • KIN 358: Therapeutic Exercise
  • 3

A theoretical and practical approach to therapeutic exercise will be introduced, discussed and explored in this course. Lab time is included in the schedule.

  • KIN 364: Exercise Psychology
  • 3

This course will focus on the psychological understanding of exercise behavior through the examination of psychological, psycho-physiological, and social factors that influence physical activity participation and performance; how participating in physical activity and exercise affect psychological well-being; and the theoretical, methodological, and applied approaches to a variety of topics related to exercise psychology.

Current students, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.

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