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California Coaches Conference

A professional seminar designed to assist swim coaches, and potential swim coaches, in developing a framework for the operation of an aquatics program. This training will serve as a valuable tool for the veteran and the new aquatics coach. Topics will include rules and regulations, coaching philosophy, practice organization and best practices within training sessions, developing strength training/conditioning programs and improving relationships with game officials, parents and Booster groups. Experts currently working in the field will share and discuss their best practices in coaching successful aquatics programs. You will have a chance to observe some of the most successful current teams in action.

Course Outline (Schedule TBD)

  • Getting Hired as an Athletic Admin
  • “The Role of the Coach”
  • Social Media Today; Do and Don’ts for a Coach and for Teams
  • “Strength and Conditioning for Aquatics"
  • State Association Overview – governance, structure and how your governing body works with you
  • Tools and Resources in helping your students and/or student-athletes plan for the future
  • “Developing a Player/Coach/Parent(?) Contract”- Establishing expectations in your program
  • Referee Relations – Doug Glaeser (State Rules Interpreter for Swimming in California)
  • “Governing Bodies in Athletics” – Their function and why they exist. How to work with them and allow them to work for you
  • USAWP Presentation - Christy Sicard, Senior Director, Membership Development
  • Conduct in Interscholastic Play
  • Bert Bergan, Concordia University: “NAIA Recruiting, Small College Environments and Transitioning from NAIA to a Division 2 College Program” (CUI college campus tour to follow)
  • NCAA Compliance and Being a “Qualifier” out of HS – Kelly Flynn, NCAA Compliance
  • High Performance Director John Abdou – Coaching Resources
  • Practice Observances (various off site observations)
  • Group: “Structuring Your Season, What to plan for”: Tryouts, Parent Meeting, Budget, Fundraising, Practice/Facilities, Competition, Referees, Transportation, Banquets, Awards
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