Chi Sigma is a suite-style residence hall, which hosts a mixture of freshmen and upper-classmen students. Within Chi Sigma is a central gathering location called
Sigma General. Many of the recreational activities offered by the Office of Residence Life are hosted within this space. Additionally, Chi Sigma has the benefit of being located near the gym and softball field, which embody a portion of the school spirit when our Golden Eagles athletics teams are in the heat of competition.
- Room: 8 foot x 11 foot area for each student
- Closet: 2 ½ feet x 2 ½ feet (each student receives a closet)
- XL-Bed Frame & Mattress (1 per student)
- Desk & Desk Chair (1 per student)
- 3-Drawer Dresser (1 per student)
- 1 Micro-Refrigerator (1 per unit)