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Disability Access Services is moving to a new accommodation software that will better serve the needs of our students and community. This is exciting news; however, it means that the current system is going offline while the new system comes online. DAS will be unable to accept accommodation requests until July 1. Feel free to reach out to DAS directly with any questions you have: [email protected]

Academic Accommodations

Academic Accommodations at Concordia are:

  • Communicated each semester to instructors via email from the DAS Coordinator
  • Requested each semester by the student
  • Meant to “level the playing field”
  • Approved on a case-by-case basis

Academic Accommodations at Concordia are not:

  • Retroactive
  • Intended to reduce academic requirements or fundamentally alter the nature or objective of a course

Accommodations Glossary

This list is not exhaustive, but rather a glossary of the most commonly approved accommodations. Each accommodation is approved on a case-by-case basis.

2-day Extension (for Graduate Students only)

  • The student has a 2-day extension on major course assignments (3+ pages). This extension also applies to the late work policy and the final course assignment. IMPLEMENTATION: the student should notify the professor that an assignment will be late. If the student or professor feel that the accommodations are not providing adequate access, then the student or professor should contact the Disability Access Services Coordinator to allow for the discussion and consideration of the additional accommodations.

Accessible Textbooks

  • The student may require textbooks be available in an alternative format (electronic, audio, large print, Braille). Student must request alt-texts from DAS before every course and have proof of purchase for textbook requests: Students should submit their request as far in advance as possible. Depending on the textbook and type of format, it may be weeks before an accessible textbook is available.

Accessible Class Materials

  • Students with various vision, learning, and physical disabilities may require course materials in an accessible format. Scanned PDFs and paper hand-outs are examples of materials that may not be accessible. If the materials need to be converted, the instructor will need to provide course materials to DAS at least a week ahead of time.

Accessible Furniture

  • Students attending class on campus should request accessible furniture from DAS a week in advance of courses starting. First time requests may take a couple of weeks to implement, depending on current inventory.

Advance Notice

  • Disability Access Services encourages students to practice good time management habits. As such, students may need 1-2 weeks advance notice on assignments so that assignments can be completed on time.

Attendance Considerations

  • The number of allowable absences/extensions depends on the interactive or participatory nature of a course, or is based on department, college or accrediting agency rules. Students are expected and encouraged to attend classes on a regular basis, as well as submit work on time, and faculty have the right to establish attendance and late work policies. However, the student's medical condition may occasionally impact the student's ability to attend/complete assignments. PROCESS: the student and instructor can complete the Attendance Consideration form together. Student should initiate contact unless they specifically request Disability Access Services to do so for each course. If no Attendance Plan is set up, instructor may presume the student is not using this accommodation in class. There can be a point at which disability-related absences cannot be reasonably accommodated.
  • Flexibility with Attendance/Assignment Due Dates Form 

Computer for Written Exams

  • Students may need a computer for essay exams to help with legibility and fatigue prevention.

Consideration for Alternative Assessment

  • A student may not be able to speak orally for various reasons. The professor will decide the alternative method the student can use to meet oral communication requirements. When in-class participation is required, the professor may request the student to write an essay in lieu of speaking in class, or to send e-mails to the professor after each class period summarizing what they have learned.

Course Assignment Deadline Consideration

  • Please note, this accommodation is given on a case-by-case basis, it does not cover every assignment, nor should it be given as a result of procrastination or lack of planning. The amount of time given for an extension will be up to the professor.
  • PROCESS: the student and instructor (and DAS upon request) should determine ahead of time (1) how many assignments can be submitted late and (2) how the student should notify the instructor. Concerns about implementation should be directed to DAS.
  • GUIDELINE 1:  DAS promotes positive time- and project-management skills, as well as effective decision-making. Students must factor in the reality of their own personal situations and use time effectively to complete assignments. Adequate work should be done prior to the deadline in order to avoid needing an extension.
  • GUIDELINE 2: Assignments cannot be submitted whenever desired. Students are required to complete all assignments prior to the end of the semester.

Emotional Control

  • Students should always adhere to Concordia University Irvine’s classroom conduct expectations, but at times, a student may have difficulty maintaining composure in the classroom. This in no way reflects how they feel about the class. Students may need to step outside class for a few minutes to regain emotional control.

Exams: Extra Time

  • Extended time for tests and quizzes is the most common accommodation. Typically, students receive 1.5x extended time as an accommodation. So if a test is 1 hour, the student would have 90 minutes. Occasionally, students may be approved for double time.
  • Students need to communicate with instructors at least 3 business days before an exam, and if a professor is unable to proctor the exam, then students need to reach out to DAS for test proctoring services. DAS also requires 3 business days of advance notice. Tests should be taken on the same day and approximate time as the class.
  • NOTE: If a professor believes that the extended time fundamentally alters the test’s objectives, they should reach out to DAS.

Exams: Reduced-distraction Environment

  • Students are approved to take tests in a testing environment with minimal distractions. This accommodation may be provided in a space separate from the classroom: the professor's office, study room, or the DAS Testing Center via appointment.

Exams: Use of a Scribe and/or Reader

  • Students who are unable to write or view an exam may use a scribe or reader for an exam. Students must request scribe and/or reader at least 5 days in advance.

Exams: Calculator

  • Use of a 4-function calculator is approved for exams.

Face Student When Lecturing or Speaking

  • As much as the space permits, please face the student when lecturing and/or speaking. 
  • A good practice for all students is to repeat the question for large groups.

First Week’s Assignments

  • A student may need access to the first week’s assignments in order to complete them on time.

Have Food Nearby

  • A student may need to have food or drink in class, or be able to step outside if the classroom environment (ex: science lab) disallows food.

Housing Accommodations

  • Students may need housing accommodations in order to live on campus. DAS collaborates with RES on implementing housing accommodations.

Instructor Clarification

  • Instructor clarifies verbal or written information as requested by student. The student will contact the professor for clarification after class if the professor is available or during instructor office hours or via e-mail.

Modified Physical Activity

  • Physical activities for health and wellness classes may need to be modified so that activities are accessible for students.

Notetaking Assistance

  • If a student is unable to take notes, peer notetakers will take notes for the students. DAS will reach out to professors if a notetaker is requested for a class. When notetakers are not available, recorded lectures and/or professor notes will be a substitute accommodation.

Option to Work Individually

  • The student may require independent study rather than group projects. Professor should give consideration for students opting-out of group projects if it is not a required element.

Personal Care Assistant (PCA)

  • Student requires the services of a PCA who may, or may not, be present in the classroom. PCAs are non-active participants in the academic, learning and living environment. Student must identify the courses the PCA will attend.

Personal Computer in Class

  • When appropriate, a student will be permitted to use a laptop in class for notetaking purposes.

Postural Breaks

  • The student is allowed to step out of class for short breaks as needed. This does not excuse regular tardiness or leaving class early.

Preferential Seating

  • Preferential seating means that a student is seated in a location that is most beneficial for learning in the classroom, allowing the student to see, hear, pay attention to, or participate in activities in the same ways as peers. If necessary, seat placards can be posted to reserve a student’s seat.

Record Lectures

  • Students may be approved to record class lectures for personal study use. The student should inform the instructor prior to recording. Per California law, the instructor should then notify the class (verbally or via ADA syllabus statement) that conversations are being recorded. The student may not disseminate recorded lectures and must delete the recorded materials in any and all formats within in ten calendar days from the completion of the term for the course.

Service Dogs in the Classroom in Campus Buildings

  • A service animal is either a dog or a miniature pony that has been trained to perform a specific task for a student with a physical or psychiatric disability. Service animals are working animals and must be under the control of their handler at all times. Service animals are protected under the ADA, making them distinctly different from Emotional Support Animals.

Sign Language Interpreting Services

  • Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing may request a Sign Language Interpreter for classroom lectures and related activities. DAS coordinates interpreters needed for academic activities; DAS can also partner with other campus organizations to coordinate ASL interpreters for non-academic activities.

Temporary: Attendance Modifications

  • A student may have a short-term injury, such as a concussion, that requires temporary attendance modifications. Such modifications rarely extend past one week, and students are responsible for coordinating make-up work.

Transcription/CART (Communication Access in Real-Time) Services

  • Student will be using automatically generated captions through Zoom, or a captionist via the Internet who will transcribe classroom instructions, lectures and conversations in real-time.

Video Captioning

  • Students who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or have specific learning disabilities may need transcripts or closed captions for class media. If media is not captioned, please contact DAS 2 weeks in advance. Remember that accessible media can often be found on the internet.
  • If relevant, please see this quick guide on making Zoom content accessible.
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