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How do I make a Tutoring Services appointment?

  1. Go to the Academic Coaching Center’s online scheduling website
  2. If this is your first time using the online scheduling system, select Register for an account above the login boxes

    Register for an account
  3. Fill out the registration form (use your Concordia email address) and click complete registration.
  4. Log in to the system using your Concordia email address and the password you just created.
  5. Select a schedule from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

    Select a schedule
  6. Once the schedule appears, select a class from the Limit to: … drop-down menu.

    Select a class
  7. Select a date and time for your appointment. Click on the appointment box you'd like. Available times are in white (for core and subject coaching, up to 3 students can sign up for one appointment slot).
  8. Fill out the appointment form and click create appointment.
  9. You should receive an email that confirms your appointment date and time.

When I click on the appointment box, nothing happens/no new window appears.

  1. Check that the box you are selecting is colored white.
  2. Check for open windows that have popped up behind your main browser window.
  3. Refresh your browser and try again.

How do I reset or change my password?

  • To change password: Click the down arrow beside where it says “Welcome, [your name]” and select Update Profile & Email Options.

    Change password
  • To reset password: If you have forgotten your password, select Reset your password on the main log in page.

    Reset password

How do I find tutors for the class I’m taking?

  1. Make sure you select the correct schedule from the drop-down menu at the top of the online scheduling system.
    Select schedule
  2. Once the correct schedule appears, select the class you are looking for from the Limit to: … drop-down menu.

    Limit to:

How do I know where to meet with my tutor for an appointment?

Our tutoring hub is on the main floor of the Library next to the Writing Studio. Music tutors will be in the Borland Manske Center studio rooms.

How do I edit or cancel an appointment?

  1. Log into the Academic Coaching Center’s online scheduling system and go to the appropriate schedule based on the subject area of your appointment.
  2. Select the date of your appointment from the small calendar at the top of the schedule.
  3. Select and open your appointment (your appointment should appear in yellow).
  4. At the bottom of the appointment form, select edit appointment and make your desired changes. OR, to cancel, select cancel appointment at the bottom of the appointment form.

I canceled my appointment, but I received an email that said it was marked as a no-show. Why?

If you cancel the appointment within 3 hours of the start time, it is considered a late cancelation and is automatically marked as a no-show.

What is the Academic Coaching Center’s late cancelation/no-show policy?

  • If you have three appointments marked as No Shows (no cancelation or notice that you will miss your appointment), then your account is automatically disabled and you must contact the director of the center to request that your access be renewed.
  • If you cancel an appointment within 3 hours of the start time, it is considered a Late Cancelation and is automatically marked as a No-Show.
  • If you need to cancel an appointment, we ask that you do so 24 hours prior to the appointment start time. This allows other students to reserve that time slot and the academic coach to direct their time accordingly.
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