Partner in the Great Commission
abbey west (Campus Ministry): God has called abbey west to engage Orange County college students and young adults through the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. abbey west gathers together in innovative, vibrant worship and challenges all believers to grow through the study of God’s Word in a small group setting. Motivated by the experience of God’s grace, each of us are an important member in the body of Christ and are called to use our unique gifts to serve others and boldly witness God’s love through relational ministry.
All Nations Endowment: In 2015, the All Nations Endowment was established to provide ongoing scholarship assistance for qualified CMC students. It is is a scholarship fund to help these future pastors cover the costs of tuition on their path to ordination, and many of our CMC students are receiving scholarships funded by the All Nations Endowment. These students are working in local contexts where there is a need for mission work, and are uniquely positioned to cross into new cultures and reach the lost with the Gospel.
Concordia Cares: Concordia Cares' mission is simple: to offer students, faculty, and staff opportunities to serve the local community. Our volunteers are members of the Concordia family that share a common passion—to serve their neighbors in need. More than serving, however, Concordia Cares partners strategically with community organizations to build sustainable volunteer programs, educates Concordia’s campus about current social justice issues affecting the Orange County community, connects students, faculty, and staff in service together, and serves the local community ethically and mercifully.
Cross-Cultural Ministry Center: The Cross-Cultural Ministry Center (CMC) at Concordia is a seminary program that specializes in forming Lutheran missionary pastors -- men who are uniquely equipped to cross-cultural barriers and reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since the CMC is a 4-year master's level program, equivalent to MDiv programs at other seminaries, our graduates are certified for full ordination in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. But this path toward ordination is only available at Concordia University Irvine!
General Mission Trips: As the Great Commission University CUI is dedicated to providing a wide variety of mission and service experiences for students to participate in. There is a trip offering for every level of student, from those who don't have passports, but would like to participate in a domestic mission experience, to those who have passports, who would like to participate in something that is not a high commitment, to trip opportunities for those who'd like to experience something longer in length whether they have had previous experience or not. There is also a variety of ways in which students can participate, whether that is swinging a hammer to build a house for a needy family, to playing simple games with kids, engaging in health screenings, to teaching and sharing Bible stories with children. Students have served in Tijuana, Mexico; Hungary; and Navajo, NM.
Moon International Center: The Moon International Center welcomes students from all countries as well as sends students out into the world. Guided by the Great Commission, it is designed to be a home for those studying from abroad, inspiring any and all who come across its threshold.
Student Aid for Church Workers: Our Lord Jesus commissioned his church to make disciples of all nations. From its founding, Concordia University’s Christ College has equipped students to carry out that Great Commission. Equipping students for full-time ministry in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod remains an important part of Christ College’s work. Workers are needed for the harvest. Through quality church work programs, Concordia University Irvine supports the formation of pastors, DCEs, DPMs, deaconesses, and teachers in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Study Abroad: Concordia University Irvine provides opportunities for its students to learn, serve, grow, and experience different cultures around the world through various different study abroad programs. Whether a student is trekking the globe with the Around the World Semester, or studying in just one country, Concordia helps to provide opportunities for students to become global citizens.
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