Wooden cross in the Good Shepherd Chapel



God’s Unexpected Plans

Lent 2018

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.

Psalm 138:8

It was October, and wildfires were raging in Southern California. Evacuations suddenly disrupted life for many local families. Firefighters were activated to protect homes from destruction. In the midst of that crisis, God brought hope in unexpected ways.

That was not only the case this year—it was also true back in October 1993.

I was a sophomore at Concordia that year when the Laguna Beach Fire hit that community. The Lord brought some heroic first responders to the area. Many lives were saved and houses spared. For those who did lose homes, the community certainly showed their support.

Concordia students quickly joined together to help make a difference. We walked neighborhoods, called businesses and spread the word on radio stations that relief supplies could be brought to the campus. The response was overwhelming, with all the supplies and money distributed through local churches in Laguna Beach. God worked through his people and church in a beautiful way.

So when was the last time you prayed about difficult circumstances? What answer did you get?

Sometimes plans work out the way we want—but often the Lord works out his plans for us. God may use others to unexpectedly provide for your needs. Perhaps he will call on you to be an answer to prayer for someone else.

Whatever the answer, find courage in God’s faithful, enduring love.

Pastor Nate Schaus ’96
Summit Community Church Buckeye, AZ

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