The Gospel of Matthew
The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (February 17, 2021). During this season of penitential reflection, it is particularly appropriate that we ponder God’s Word as we consider all that our Lord Jesus does for us in his life, suffering, death, and burial.
Our current life of social distancing, masks, and isolation has been challenging in so many ways. It is an ever-present reminder that we live in a fallen world. Distance from others has reminded us of the importance of relationship and community. We are sustained by the faithful presence of God for us even as we walk challenging paths.
So that we might reflect and grow together, we invite you to join us this Lent in reading and reflecting on the Gospel of Matthew. Each day we will post a reading and devotional reflection. As you reflect, we pray that you draw nearer to God, and are sustained and strengthened in faith as we walk with Jesus. God’s blessings and peace be with you.
If you would like to receive email reminders as these daily reflections are posted, you can subscribe to our email list that is dedicated solely to these Lenten devotions.
In Christ,
Steve Mueller
Chief Mission Officer
Dean of Christ College
Quinton Anderson
Lead Pastor
Assistant VP Spiritual Life and Development