Wooden cross in the Good Shepherd Chapel



Entrepreneur for the Gospel

Lent 2018

Aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.

1 Thessalonians 4:11, 12

The Apostle Paul was human like us, yet led an exemplary life. Paul taught us to follow his example as he followed the example of Christ.

Was Paul endorsing some kind of go-it-alone lifestyle for laypeople when he taught us to not to be dependent on anybody?

No! Elsewhere in his letters, Paul teaches we are dependent on fellow Christians. God is extravagantly rich in his grace toward us through the mutual conversation and consolation of our brothers and sisters in Christ. He blesses us in his church so that we can help meet one another’s needs.

Yet Paul also knew that there could be a temptation to abuse the care of others – to receive care from them out of laziness instead of need. That same attitude would ensure that we never cared for others at all! So Paul teaches Christians to live quietly, and to take care of ourselves and our needs as we are able. In this way, we win the respect of outsiders so we are not dependent on anybody. We are not using the faith for our own selfish desires. Rather, we seek to serve.

Paul is an example for us. He was an entrepreneur in order to proclaim the gospel. Let’s never forget why Paul worked with his hands. He used his independence to share the Good News. Independence was a means, not his goal. He used his business contacts to expand relationships which, in time, became avenues for sharing the Gospel. Today, will we likewise quietly mind our own affairs while also seeking opportunities to share the gospel with our voices?

Let’s try!

Glenn Weingarth
CUI Parent

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