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Campus Safety Programs and Activities

Campus Safety

Violent Intruder Response Training with Irvine Police

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Presentation: 4:00-5:00 PM
Exercise: 5:00-6:00 PM
Denault Auditorium: GH 120
Zoom: please check your email for the Zoom link

Do you know what to do if you were to receive a lockdown alert? The Department of Campus Safety in partnership with the Irvine Police Department would like to invite you to an important training event.

Please join us in Denault Auditorium on Tuesday, September 24th, at 4 PM. Members of the Irvine Police Department will offer best practices on responding to targeted acts of violence in an educational environment and will help attendees develop individualized response strategies to critical incidents. This training will include a practical exercise during which participants will be confronted with a violent intruder simulation that will challenge them to quickly assess their survival options and apply the skills learned during the presentation. 

Those participating in the exercise will need to have attended the presentation. Stay for the exercise for an opportunity to win a prime parking space for a month or free coffee at Eagles Landing for a week (5 free drinks total). You will not regret attending this training.

For questions, please contact [email protected].

Earthquake Preparedness

Great Concordia ShakeOut

On October 16, 2024, at 10:16 AM, Concordia will be holding a campus-wide earthquake drill. An alert will be sent out to announce the drill. Whether or not you receive the alert, please follow the below steps wherever you are on campus. Please review the below video on how to respond to an earthquake and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more detailed earthquake tips! Concordia is holding the Concordia ShakeOut on a Wednesday, a day earlier than the nation-wide ShakeOut drill, in order to avoid scheduling conflicts with chapel services. 

In the Event of an Earthquake on Campus

Step One

Drop to the ground; find cover (if there is no large table or desk, use a chair to protect your head); and hold on to the desk/table/chair.  Hold your position until the shaking stops.

Step Two

Once 20 seconds have passed, please evacuate the building and go to the assembly area for your building.  Remember to stand a safe distance from the building (distance should equal the height of the building or more).  Concordia - Spectrum Campus™ assembly area is in the north parking lot outside of the café doors. For a map of all campus evacuation assembly areas on the Turtle Rock Campus, please click here: Evacuation Assembly Area Map

Step Three

Remain in the assembly area until Campus Safety gives the all-clear indicating that the exercise is over.  Building captains and others responsible for evacuation will be conducting a quick debriefing while waiting for the all-clear. 

We anticipate that the exercise will take about 15 minutes from start to finish. 

For questions regarding earthquake preparedness, please contact:
Raul Morales
Director of Campus Safety
[email protected]

Steven Rodriguez
Associate Director of Campus Safety
[email protected]

For more information about earthquake preparedness, please visit        

When The Earth Shakes

When The Earth Shakes

If There's NO Sturdy Desk or Table

If There's NO Sturdy Desk or Table

IRVINE SPECTRUM® and SPECTRUM™ are trademarks of Irvine Management Company used with permission.

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