DCE Fieldwork
In addition to quality academic preparation, DCE students are assigned to a local congregation for fieldwork as early as spring semester of their freshman year. As students progress through the program, the expectations for them gradually increase.
Through the sophomore year the focus is on knowledge through observation of the congregation and how it functions in ministry.
Goal: The student will gain insight and understanding of the congregational structure and begin assimilating into the life of the church.
During the junior year the focus is on observation and students begin the practice of skills vital in the DCE ministry.
Goal: The student will continue to gain insight and understanding of the congregational structure and begin the development of skills associated with Christian education ministry.
Finally, senior fieldwork focuses on leadership and furthers the practice of skills vital in the DCE ministry.
Goal: The student will develop and exhibit leadership abilities in various Christian education ministry practices.
During sophomore and junior years, students are to take 3 units of DCE Practicum (CED 390). These units are taken 1 at a time over 3 semesters.
During their senior year, students take CED 401 & 402 (3 units each), where they work with a mentor DCE or pastor, taking leadership roles as a final preparation for internship.
Resource for Congregations
As a resource to congregations, Christ College has made available an Installation/Blessing of DCE Student Fieldworkers adaptation that can be included in a worship service.