- EDEL 510: Servant Leadership
- 3
This course will present the value of incorporating the servant leadership model into one’s repertoire as an educational leader today. Students will identify key characteristics and strategies that will enhance their legacy as a leader who galvanizes positive changes in the lives of students, colleagues, parents, and the overall school culture.
- EDEL 540: School Law and Public Policy
- 3
This course will examine education-related legal disputes in K-12 and higher education levels. Examples of topics to be explored include: campus safety and privacy, student freedom of expression, cyberbullying, religion in schools, technology concerns, race-conscious policies, school sports, teacher tenure, due process, special education, and rights of undocumented students.
- EDEL 550: Contemporary Cultural and Political Issues in Education
- 3
This course will provide an overview of the social, cultural, and political issues and trends that affect the leadership in today’s American schools. Students will learn to view polemical issues from multiple vantage points to better understand the diverse perspectives that permeate society today and then lead with wisdom, honor, and character.
- EDEL 580: Educational Research
- 3
This course will provide students with an introduction to educational research by exploring problems or issues in education, qualitative research methods, and analyzing research articles. Students will learn the essentials needed to carry out the research process and begin their capstone project to be completed in EDEL 605.
- EDEL 605: Capstone Project
- 3
This course will enable students to finalize their capstone project. Students will triangulate data using critical self-reflection, credible literature, and observations as a method to respond to an educational problem or issue in education. Upon completion of the written project, students will orally present their capstone project in class.
- Social-Emotional Learning, Character, and Ethics Specialization
- EDCE 533: SEL Core Competencies
- 3
This course will provide a fundamental overview of the profound benefits that are derived by explicitly including a social emotional learning (SEL) program into the school curriculum to reduce stress and anxiety, promote well-being, enhance relationships, and promote safety and personal health. Specific strategies will be examined to help students acquire the following: social skills, social awareness skills, social decision-making and problem-solving skills, self-awareness skills, and self-management skills.
- EDCE 541: Mental Health Issues in Today’s Schools
- 3
This course prepares candidates with the ability to provide an initial assessment of a student's mental health needs and make the appropriate referrals within and external to the school site. Candidates will learn to counsel and address mental health needs of students during times of transition, separation, or heightened stress, and how to access community services that assist all student needs. Additionally, candidates will be able to develop, implement, and monitor prevention, education, and intervention programs, including but not limited to behavior disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse, sexual abuse, and suicide.
- EDCE 543: Managing Classroom and School-Wide Behavior
- 3
This course will help leaders in education develop a proactive approach to preventing and solving problem behavior on a school-wide basis through effective instructional programs and staff development. Specific strategies will be examined on how to teach appropriate behavior, motivate the apathetic, and reinforce those who exhibit positive behavior.
- EDCE 553: Building Character and Ethics in Today’s Schools
- 3
This course will provide clear rationale for intentionally incorporating a comprehensive character education program in today’s schools and proactive strategies to help students understand the urgency and relevancy of internalizing ethical values such as respect, honesty, justice, civic virtue, compassion, and kindness into their core as people of integrity. The benefits to schools that incorporate character education programs will be examined such as: higher academic performance, improved attendance, reduced violence, fewer disciplinary issues, and overall improvement in children’s emotional, moral, and intellectual development.
- EDCE 561: Trauma-Informed Practices
- 3
This course prepares candidates to define a crisis, identify the appropriate responses, and develop a variety of intervention strategies to meet the needs of the individual, group, or school community before, during, and after crisis response. Students will demonstrate knowledge of trauma-informed care processes including but not limited to addressing social/emotional & mental health, needs, crises, and traumas that are barriers to student achievement.
- Cognition, Motivation, and Development Specialization
- EDU 547: Brain-Based Teaching and Learning
- 3
This course is designed to provide experienced teachers with the latest research in brain-based learning and instructional theory and its practical applications to the classroom. Topics will include the structures and functions of the brain, how the brain processes information, lateralization specialization, memory, retention and transfer theory, and the role of emotion in learning. The purpose of this course is to equip educators with an understanding of research-based body/brain/mind principles and how they are applied in teaching and learning.
- EDCM 503: Principles of Educational Psychology
- 3
This course will provide an overview of principles of educational psychology that impact student learning. This course will deepen the understanding of perspectives as they relate to students’ development, cognition, and motivation.
- EDCM 565: Character Development and Instruction
- 3
This course will explore principles of social emotional learning and character development within educational settings. A lens of care and concern for all students will be applied when discussing the topics of creating positive learning environments, establishing classroom and school assessment protocols, and treating learner differences as opportunities. Strategies for teaching the whole child will be investigated and a collaborative approach to character development in the school setting will include discussion on the impact of school personnel and school climate on the wellbeing of students.
- EDCM 577: Motivation and Emotions
- 3
This course will explain fundamental theories that affect one’s motivation in educational settings. Specific topics explored include the following: physiological and psychological needs, intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, goal setting, and the social and cognitive aspects of motivation. School settings are diverse and the topic of motivation will be discussed with a goal of providing immediate implications for any school setting.
- EDCM 549: Theories and Applications of Cognition
- 3
This course will address the process of acquiring knowledge, which is multifaceted. School personnel play a key role in first understanding and then capitalizing on ways to support individual learners. Concepts of cognition and metacognition will be explored as will literacy strategies and assessments. School leaders need to embrace the unique gifts and talents of all learners and create learning environments where each student can thrive.
Students must earn a minimum of a “C“ or better and complete their degree with a minimum overall cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00. One course may be repeated one time to improve the GPA necessary for continued enrollment in the program. All degree coursework must be completed within seven years.
No more than six credit hours of graduate work may be transferred from another institution for courses taken within the last five years. Only grades of “B-“ or better will be accepted for transfer credit.