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Master Plan Phase 2

Being Good Stewards – Building The Future On Our Campus


Master Plan Modifications

Keeping You Informed as We Improve Concordia

Having maintained continuous operations throughout the pandemic and giving thanks to God for a significant gift from an anonymous donor, Concordia is ready to embark on Phase 2 of its approved Campus Master Plan at the Turtle Rock Campus. We want to share the exciting campus enhancements designed to improve the students’ experience that we are proposing. But first, some additional exciting news.

The purchase of the new 114,000 sq.ft. Concordia - Spectrum Campus™ is now complete.

The grand opening will be held in August 2023, as our successful Nursing Program moves into that location. Expanded healthcare programs, additional administrative office space, and other graduate programs will also be housed there. The Concordia - Spectrum Campus™ provides an additional 700 parking spaces.

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An Improved Master Plan for Concordia's Future

Site Plan

We will be submitting a Major Modification Proposal to the City to address the phasing changes.

Below are the proposed modifications to the final 3 phases of our approved master plan for the Turtle Rock Campus.

While there are changes, we do not believe they are significant.

  • No additional institutional square footage is being added to the previously approved Master Plan total of 321,220 sq. ft.
  • No additional residential units/beds are being added to the previously approved Master Plan total of 330 units / 1,320 beds.

There are requested square footage allocation shifts and bed count shifts among the phases.

  • Phase 2 square footage has a net increase of 8,963 sq. ft.
  • Phase 2 now includes converting Chi Beta back to residential, which shifts 14 units and 56 beds from Phase 3.

Phase 2 enhancements are internal to campus and support existing students. The original programming and uses included in the previously approved Master Plan will remain the same.


Phase Two

Phase Three

Phase Four


How will the proposed Master Plan Amendment alter Concordia University's trip count limits as compared to existing limits and those projected for the next phase in the existing 2017 MOU approved by City Council?

For this proposed Phase 2, the MOU states that Concordia “shall not exceed 4,678 trips per day, regardless of the amount of actual existing square footage on the campus.” The proposed modification will not exceed the trip cap of 4,678 trips per day and is anticipated to generate less trips. It is worth noting that, pursuant to the proposed modification, the total institutional square footage to be built in Phases 1 and 2 will not exceed (and actually will be slightly less) than what was evaluated for Phases 1 and 2 in the EIR. In keeping with the 2017 Memorandum of Understanding and Covenants (MOU), as amended in 2018, Concordia will be requesting that the maximum daily trip cap remain fixed at 4,678 “until such time as [Concordia] obtains approvals to proceed with Phase 3.”

It appears Building F10 on the proposed site plan will increase to 17,906 square feet from the approved 6,730 square feet. Would the new building negatively impact the sight lines to French Hill to the south?

Building F10 is increasing in size. We are proposing to add a weight room and workout facility in that building. The building height is consistent with what was previously approved with the exception that the height for the press box is 7 feet higher than what was previously approved for that portion only. Consequently, there will be little to no impact on sight lines to French Hill to the south.

What are the estimated commencement and completion dates for the construction work encompassed by the proposed Master Plan Amendment?

The estimated commencement of construction is August 2024 and completion is November 2026.

What will be the City review process for the Concordia University application?

This is to be determined by the City once staff has reviewed the application which was submitted July 26, 2023. The project will certainly undergo a public hearing process. We will keep the website updated once the process is confirmed by the City and as the public hearing dates are set.

Questions and Comments

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