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Homepage Slideshow Guidelines

The primary function of the website's homepage slideshow is storytelling. As a vast and diverse audience is drawn to the University––prospective students, current students, international students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, donors, churches, the community, among others––the challenge that faces the homepage is to provide the most relevant and compelling stories to draw people in to Concordia. By scrolling through the slides, our goal is to highlight stories that best showcase Concordia's brand. To do so, we have established the following criteria as guidelines for what we do and do not post. The decision as to what slides are included on the homepage is made collectively by the Marketing & Communications Department, with guidance from the Associate Vice President for Marketing and Admissions. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please email us at [email protected].

What We Generally Feature

Our focus is almost always on the people who make up Concordia and their stories. Sometimes these stories are adapted from other communication pieces, but often they are produced specifically for the website. Examples of such include:

  • Stories about our students, alumni, and faculty
  • Stories about our Lutheran heritage, academic programs, and campus life
  • Major athletic and team accomplishments
  • Major fundraising events or campaigns
  • Emergency or crises notifications

What We Generally Do Not Feature

The homepage slideshow is not a billboard. As such, we try to avoid featuring anything for the sole purpose of advertisement. Examples of such include:

  • Upcoming events that are only targeted at particular audience segments
  • Press releases
  • Office moves
  • Deadlines to apply, RSVP, etc.
  • Calls for entry or participation
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