God's Word guides the discipline policies and procedures at Concordia University Irvine. God's love for us in Christ Jesus enables us to demonstrate His love to students as we say "No" and "Yes" to them. In His love for us God gave us His Law to curb outbursts of inappropriate behavior and to show us what is right and what is wrong. As Christians, God's Law also serves to guide our lives so that our words and actions are pleasing to Him. Ultimately, rules have been developed at Concordia to protect our students, to keep them safe, and to guide them as they make choices and decisions.
Because of sin, all people at times will make unwise choices and decisions. These can and do often have physical, emotional, and social consequences. When students at Concordia break the rules, they will experience consequences most often determined by the offense.
But God's Word does not stop with simple rules and consequences. In fact, the central message of the Bible is "forgiveness won for all sinners won by Jesus on the cross." Students broken by the Law... students sorry for their inappropriate words and/or actions... will receive forgiveness.