Wooden cross in the Good Shepherd Chapel



Love Bears All Things

Lent 2018

If “love bears all things,” we need to know what it actually means to love. My thoughts went immediately to “action.” Our conventional thoughts of love usually involve an outpouring of emotions or an act. Typically, we show it through a gesture, a gift, words, or in other ways.

In this time of Lent, we are pointed to the cross, which is the ultimate sign of love. And it’s all action. God does something remarkable for us. I am astonished, at how much love was shown by Jesus on the cross. As I think through my own guilt and sin, I often wonder how He could still love me. He knows my every thought and deed and still laid down his life for me. We were the reason that he gave his life, yet he gives us access to him through his promise of grace and forgiveness. In Christ, we see how his love bears all things. Christ laid his life down for all. He loves us so much he has defeated death and the grave for us so we can live eternally with him in heaven. What an action, what a sacrifice—And He did it for you and me.

Scott R. Dufresne
Executive Director, Victory Christian Academy

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