Wooden cross in Good Shepherd Chapel



God is for Us!

Lent 2018

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

We live in a culture of win or lose—a culture that is often defined by sports teams that are loved or hated. Fair weather fans and die-hard loyalists collide. Championship games bring out the worst and the best of its fans and there is always a loser.

Sometimes in life it feels as if we are losing. We may face struggles in relationships that we cannot control. Whether in our family or at work, there are days when we feel like we are fighting an uphill battle, and often losing.

Our challenge is to see things from God’s perspective. This side of heaven, there will always be battles and trouble lurking in the shadows. Jesus promised that our opponent would try to steal, kill, and destroy. Thankfully, Jesus doesn’t simply warn us about spiritual opposition. He also promised that he would give life abundantly to those who trust in him (John 10:10). Life is not necessarily easy, but in Christ, it is blessed and is full of purpose and meaning. Despite outward appearance, we fight from a victorious position.

Jesus won the battle for us when he laid his life down on the cross. We have victory over the power of sin, death, and our enemy the devil. More than that, we have a God who promises to be with us. When we struggle, we can call upon the name of the Lord for help. When things are going well in life, we praise our Father in heaven and give thanks for all He has done. Either way, we live life knowing that the Creator of the universe is for us. We have a Father whose love for his children is everlasting. Our God is for us! Who can be against us?

Prayer: Lord, when life’s trials seem overwhelming, remind us to turn to you for strength and hope. When it seems we are losing and life seems against us, remind us that you are with us and for us. Help us to remember that we already have victory because of Jesus, Your Son, our Lord, and nothing can separate us from your love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Greg Bearss
Founding Pastor, LakePoint Lutheran Church, Hot Springs, AR
CUI Parent

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