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Dr. Jonathan Ruehs
Director of the Center for Church Leadership
(949) 214-3114
The online Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry prepares, equips, and forms Christian students for ministry in Christian congregations as pastors and other ministry leaders. Through academic course work, spiritual and ministry formation, and hands-on ministry experience, students will be prepared to serve in various ministry settings in our ever-changing world.
This program is open to students who 1) already possess a bachelor’s degree or fulfill Concordia’s requirements to enter an online bachelor’s degree program and 2) who are working in a relevant ministry position in a church or church-related context.
Students will be required to complete one or two short residencies on campus, one of which will be associated with DCE 450 Counseling in Ministry. Costs associated with the residencies are the student’s responsibility.
Application to the program will be made to Christ College, which will make the final decision regarding admission to the program. Students wishing to complete this program as their first bachelor’s degree must complete all general education and degree requirements laid out in the catalog.
Below you can view a few sample courses within the BA degree, or choose to view the complete curriculum.
This course will study the Lutheran understanding of the nature of Scripture followed by an examination of its major themes with an emphasis on interpretive principles (e.g., Law and Gospel) for use in congregational ministry.
Instructor and students will pursue graduate-level study of systematic doctrinal theology in biblical perspective. The course surveys the loci, i.e. the topics, of doctrinal theology. In the process we will consider the nature and task of theological reflection; the responsibilities and qualities of a theologian; and such key topics in theological reflection as the Person and Work of Christ, Justification, Law and Gospel, the Trinity, Creation, the Word of God, the Last Things, Christian Vocation, and the life of the Christian Church. Special attention will be given to recognizing and characterizing the church-related context in which and for which theology is undertaken. Our exciting and demanding task is to focus in every class session on theology that will serve the Church, the Body of Christ.
This course teaches planning, administration and leadership skills important to the development, management and evaluation of Christian education ministry programs.
Examines theory and practice of discipleship, catechesis, and spiritual formation as conducted in the ministry of the church. Focuses on planning, managing, delivering, evaluating, and integrating Christian teaching into the life of the church.
A course which provides students basic foundations of parish youth ministry and an opportunity to better understand the current youth culture. Supplies a variety of organizational models and an opportunity to develop programming skills needed for successful parish youth ministry. A fieldwork component is required.
view complete curriculum
Pastor Ruehs has been in ministry for over 20 years. His first ten-years of ministry were in Burbank, California where he served as the Director of Youth and Parish Education. The last ten plus years of ministry he has served at two different Concordias in five different positions, which included a seven-year stint in campus ministry. Jonathan has masters degrees in Christian apologetics and pastoral ministry with a focus on cross-cultural ministry. He is currently working on a doctorate in intercultural studies focusing on the topic of pastoral responses to paranormal experiences.