Comments Guidelines
Concordia University Irvine encourages thoughtful discussion, debate, and interaction among social media users. User comments are not screened prior to being published within the public forum. Because of this, Concordia University Irvine would like to remind its users of a few simple guidelines:
- Be respectful when publishing content. This includes recognizing that students, faculty, staff, and the general public come from different backgrounds, beliefs, and viewpoints.
- Voicing opinions, complaints, or disagreements with another is accepted, but we ask that you do so in a constructive manner. Obscenities, personal attacks, threatening, harassing, or abusive content, and defamatory comments about any person, group, organization or belief will be deleted.
- CUI will not allow for the commercial solicitation or promotion of products and will delete them from the account as necessary.
- Any comments posted to a CUI social media account do not necessarily reflect the opinions or viewpoints of the University.
- All comments and postings are subject to the social media platform’s Terms of Use

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