Christine E. Murray, Ph.D., joined the Townsend Institute as a Professor of Counseling in August 2024. Dr. Murray has over two decades of experience working in the mental health field. Based in Greensboro, North Carolina, Dr. Murray is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) in North Carolina, as well as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in her home state of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Murray is the Founder of Start Here Counseling & Consulting, PLLC. She is also a Professor Emerita at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). She retired from UNCG during the summer of 2024 after 19 years of service as a faculty member in the Department of Counseling and Educational Development. From 2019 to 2023, she also served as the Director of the UNCG Center for Youth, Family, and Community Partnerships.
Throughout her career, much of Dr. Murray’s work has focused on supporting survivors of domestic violence in the long-term recovery process and strengthening community response systems to better support victims and survivors as they move toward safety and healing.
As a survivor of past abuse herself, Dr. Murray brings her own lived experience to this work, including as Founder of The Source for Survivors resource and as author of the book, “Triumph Over Abuse: Healing, Recovery, and Purpose after an Abusive Relationship.” To learn more about Dr. Murray’s work, please visit her website.
Degrees Earned:
- Ph.D., Counselor Education, The University of Florid
- M.Ed./Ed.S., Marriage and Family Counseling, The University of Florida
- B.A., Psychology and Sociology, Duke University
Work Experience
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
- Professor, Department of Counseling and Educational Development, August 2018 - August 2019; January 2024 - July 2024
- Associate Professor, Department of Counseling and Educational Development August 2011- August 2018
- Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling Education and Development June 2005- August 2011
Director, Center for Youth, Family, and Community Partnerships, August 2019 - December 2023
Program Director, Program on Preventing Violence Against Women, January 2011- May 2014
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- Adjunct Assistant Professor Fall 2004- Spring 2005
- Instructor, Stress and Anxiety Management, Fall 2001-Summer 2003, Summer 2004
Sante Fe Community College, Gainesville, FL
- Adjunct Faculty Instructor, Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Summer 2004
Department of Counselor Education, Teaching Assistant, Spring 2003
Additional Certifications
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, North Carolina
- Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, North Carolina
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Pennsylvania
- Licensed Professional Counselor, Pennsylvania
- National Certified Counselor
Professional Memberships
- American Counseling Association
Awards and Honors
- Selected as a member of the 2023 Class of Leadership Greensboro, Chamber of Commerce
- Recipient of the Outstanding Editorial Board Member Award from the Journal efFami!J Violence for 2020
- Recipient of the 2018 Counseling Vision and Innovation Award from the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
- Recipient of the 2017-2018 Outstanding Student Group Advisor Award at UNCG
- UNCG nominee for the James E Holshouser,Jr., Award for Excellence in Public Service for 2017 from the University of North Carolina System
- Recipient of the UNCG School of Education Senior Distinguished Research Award, 2017
- UNCG nominee for the James E Holshouser, Jr., Award for Excellence in Public Service for 2016 from the University of North Carolina System
- Recipient of the 2016 Volunteer of the Year Award from the Bryan Family YMCA
- Recipient of the 2015 Counselor of the Year Award from the Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina
- Recipient of the 2015 Kitty Cole Human Rights Award from the American Counseling Association
- Recipient of the 2014 Chief's Award from the Greensboro Police Department (Note: This award recognizes individuals or corporations that have a strong partnership with GPD)
- Recipient of the 2013 Don Dinkmeyer Social Interest Award from the American Counseling Association
- Cited by the UNCG Office of Student Affairs for "Above and Beyond" Commitment to Student Affairs Programs and Departments, 2007-08 and 2008-2009
- Chi Sigma Iota, Counseling Honor Society, University of Florida
Books (Scholarly)
Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. (2016). Overcoming the Stigma around Intimate Partner Violence. New York: Routledge Mental Health.
Murray, C. E., Pope, A. L., & Willis, B. (2016). Sexuality counseling: Research, theory, and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Murray, C. E., and Graves, K. N. (2012). Responding to family violence: A research-based guide for mental health professionals. New York: Routledge.
Note: This book was reviewed in the following two scholarly journals:
Kalhoro, S., Turner, I., Hughes, F., & Rothblum, E. (2014). Review of Responding to Family Violence: A comprehensive research-based guide for therapists. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 15, 518-520.
Oka, M. (2014). Review of Responding to Family Violence: A comprehensive research-based guide for therapists. Journal of Marital & Family Therapy, April 2014, 263-264.
Book (Popular Press)
Murray, C. E. (2021). The Verbal Abuse Recovery Workbook: Healing From Emotional Abuse. Emeryville, CA: Rockridge Press.
Murray, C. E. (2020). Triumph Over Abuse: Healing, Recovery, and Purpose after an Abusive Relationship. New York: Routledge.
Murray, C. E. (2008).Justengaged Avon, MA: Adams Media.
Peer Reviewed Scholarly Journal Articles (in chronological order)
Crowe, A., Overstreet, N., & Murray, C. E. (2021). The Intimate Partner Violence Stigma Scale: Initial Development and Validation.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 (15-16), pp. 7456-7479. https: / / jo eprint/E35Kh5kZApEx8ScD3k3b/full.
Murray, C. E., Ross, R., & Cannon,]. (2021). The Happy, Healthy, Safe Relationships Continuum: Conceptualizing a spectrum of relationship quality to guide community-based healthy relationship promotion programming. The Family Journal, 29 (1), pp. 50-59. l 177/1066480720960416
Murray, C. E., Lay, A. L., Wyche, B., & Johnson, C. H. (2020). Professionals' perceptions of the impact of a Family Justice Center: A four-year, cross-sectional study. Journal of Aggression, Conflict, and Peace Research, 12(4), pp. 223-238. https:/ / www.eme insight/ content/ doi/ 10.1108/JACPR-07-2020-0524/ full/ html
Murray, C.E., Johnson, C. H., & Wyche, B. (2020). The community-level impact of a Family Justice Center: Indicators from the Guilford County Family Justice Center. Journal of Aggression, Conflict, and Peace Research, 12, 1-20. DO110.1108/JACPR-10-2019-0444. https:/ / / insight/ content/ doi/ 10.1108/J ACPR-10-2019-0444/ full/pdf?title=the-community-level-impact-of-a-family-justice-center-indicators-from the-guilford-county-family-justice-center.
Flasch, P., Fall, K., Stice, B., Easley, R., Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. (2019). Messages to New Survivors by Longer-Term Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. Journal efFami!J Violence, 35, 29-41. -8.
Cannon, J., & Murray, C. E. (2019). Promoting healthy relationships and families: An exploratory study of the perceptions of resources and information and skill needs among couples, single adults, and parents. Fami!J Journal. Available online: https:/ / jo eprint/AMRNKPHMBI5XFQG7NNFB/ full.
Crowe., A., Murray, C. E., Mullen, P.R., Lundgren, K., Hunnicutt, G., & Olson, L. (2019). Help seeking behaviors and intimate partner violence-related traumatic brain injury. Violence & Gender, 6(1). https:/ / / vio.2018.0003.
Hunnicutt, G., Murray, C., Lungren, K., & Olson, L. (2019). Exploring correlates of probably traumatic brain injury among intimate partner violence survivors. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 28(6). DOI:10.1080/10926771.2019.1587656. https:/ / 10.1080/ 10926771.2019.1587656
Toplu-Demirta , E., Murray, C. E., Hatipoglu-Siimer, Z. (2019). Attachment insecurity and restrictive engulfment in college student relationships: the mediating role of relationship satisfaction. Journal efAggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 11(1), 24-37. http:/ / 10.1108/ jacpr-11-2017-0333
Bunch, R. L., Murray, C. E., Gao, X., & Hunt, E. D. (2018). Geographic analysis of domestic violence incident locations and neighborhood level influences. International Journal efApplied Geospatial Research (IJAGR), 9(2), 14-32.
Murray, C. E., Crowe, A., & Overstreet, N. (2018). Sources and components of stigma experienced by survivors of intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33, 515- 536. DOI: 10.1177 I 0886260515609565
Dmirtas, E., Dolunay, F., & Murray, C. E. (2017). Turkish mental health professionals' experiences and perspectives toward family and sexual violence. Journal efFami!J Violence, 32(7), 731-740. DOI:
Flasch, P. Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. (2017) Overcoming abuse: A phenomenological investigation of the journey to recovery from past intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32, 3373-3401. DOI: 10.1177/088626051559916
Kelly,]., Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. (2017). See the Triumph Survivor Advocacy Training Program: Equipping survivors of abuse to engage in social justice advocacy. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 2(4), 114-123.
King, K., Murray, C. E., Crowe, A., Hunnicutt, G., Lundgren, K., & Olson, L. (2017). The costs of recovery: Intimate partner violence survivors' experiences of financial recovery from abuse . The Family Journal. On-line first version published May 24, 2017. http:/ / 4gasAnJ6vk5/ full. DOI: 10.1177/ 1066480717710656
Hunnicutt, G., Lundgren, K., Murray, C., & Olson, L. (2017). The intersection of intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury: A call for interdisciplinary research. Journal of Family Violence, 32, 471-480. DOI: 10.1007/ s10896-016-9854-7
Murray, C. E., Moore, K., Stickl,J., & Crowe, A. (2017). See the Triumph Healing Arts Workshops for survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 12 ( 2), pp. 192-202. http:/ / www.tand doi/ full/10.1080/15401383.2016.1238791
Notestine, L., Murray, C. E., Borders, L. D., & Ackerman, T. (2017). Counselors' attributions of blame toward female survivors of battering. Journal of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, 39, 56-70.
Murray, C. E., Davis, J., Rudolph, L., Graves, K. N., Colbert, R., Fryer, M., Mason, A., & Thigpen, B. (2016). Domestic violence training experiences and needs among mental health professionals: Implications from a statewide survey. Violence & Victims, 31, 901-920. DOI: 10.1891 /0886-6708.
Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. (2016). Counseling advocacy competencies in action: Lessons learned through the See the Triumph campaign.Journal of Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 8. Available on-line at http:// jsacp/ Murray-v8n1 53-69.pdf
Murray, C. E., Bunch, R., & Hunt, L. (2016). Strengthening community-level understanding of and responses to intimate partner violence using Geographic Information Systems (G IS). Journal of Aggression, Conflict, and Peace Research, 8(3), 197-211. DOI 10.1108/JACPR-01-2016- 0209
Murray, C. E., Lundgren, K., Olson, L., & Hunnicutt, G. (2016). Practice update: Assessment and practice for traumatic brain injury among survivors of battering. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 17(3), 298-305. DOI: DOI: 10.1177/ 1524838015584364 Retrieved May 20, 2016, from http:/ / 3/ 298.full.pdf?ijkey=jH awKD hC9T zRMA7&keytype=finite.
Murray, C. E., Crowe, A., & Akers, W. (2016). How can we end the stigma surrounding domestic and sexual violence? A modified Delphi study with national advocacy leaders. Journal efFami/y Violence, 31(3), 271-287. DOI: 10.1007/ s10896-015-9768-9.
Murray, C. E., King, K., & Crowe, A. (2016). Understanding and addressing teen dating violence: Implications for family counselors. The Fami/y Journal, 24(1), 52-59. DOI: 10.1177 I1066480715615668.
Murray, C. E., King, K., Crowe, A., & Flasch, P. (2015). Survivors of intimate partner violence as advocates for social change.Journal of Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 7,84-100. Retrieved September 11, 2015, from http:// jsacp/ murray-v7n1- 2015 84-100.pdf.
Campbell, E. C., & Murray, C. E. (2015). Development of the Technology in Relationships Assessment.Journal efCouple & Relationship Therapy, 14, 254-256. DOI: 10.1080/15332691.2014.953657
Murray, C. E., Crowe, A., & Flasch, P. (2015). Turning points: Critical incidents in survivors' decisions to end abusive relationships. The Fami/y Journal, 23, 228-238. DOI: 10.1177/1066480715573705
Murray, C. E., Crowe, A., & Brinkley, J. (2015). The stigma surrounding intimate partner violence: A cluster analysis study. Partner Abuse, 6, 320-336.
Murray, C.E., Pow, A. M., Nemati, H., Chow, A. S., & White,]. W. (2015). Domestic violence service providers' needs and perceptions of technology: A qualitative study. Journal efTechnology in Human Services, 33, 133-155. DOI: 10.1080/15228835.2014.1000558
Murray, C. E., & Campbell, E. C. (2015). The pleasures and perils of technology in intimate relationships. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 14, 116-140. DOI: 10.1080/15332691.2014.953651
Horton, G. E., & Murray, C. E. (2015). A quantitative exploratory evaluation of the Circle of Security-Parenting Program with mothers in residential substance abuse treatment. Infant Mental Health, 36, 320-336. DOI: 10.1002/imhj.21514
Murray, C. E., Chow, A. S., Marsh, A., Croxton, R., & Poteat, L. (2015). Domestic violence service providers' technology readiness and information needs. Journal efAggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 24, 257-278. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2015.997908
Crowe, A., & Murray, C. E. (2015). Stigma from professional helpers toward survivors of intimate partner violence. Partner Abuse, 6(2), p. 157-179.
Murray, C. E., Horton, G. E.,Johnson, C.H., Notestine, L., Garr, B., Marsh, A., Flasch, P., & Doom, E. B. (2015). Domestic violence service providers' perceptions of safety planning: A focus group study. Journal efFami/y Violence, 30, 381-392. DOI: 10.1007/ s10896-015-9674- 1
Murray, C. E., Ong, I., Smith, P. H., Foreman, T., Akers, W., Flasch, P., Hostler, M. J., Przewoznik,J., Guerrero, C., & Dooley, R. (2015). Linking research and practice to address domestic and sexual violence: Lessons learned from a statewide conference with researchers and practitioners. Journal efAggression, Conflict, and Peace Research, 7(2), 76-87. DOI: 10.1108/JACPR-07-2014-0129
Pow, A. M., Murray, C. E., Flasch, P., Brown, B., Doom, E. B., & Snyder. M. (2015). Learning from experience: A content analysis of domestic violence fatality review team reports. Partner Abuse, 6(2), p. 197-216.
Horton, G. E., Murray, C. E., Garr, B., Notestine, L., Flasch, P., & Johnson, C.H. (2014). Safety planning with children impacted by intimate partner violence: A focus group study with domestic violence service providers. Children and Youth Services Review, 42, 67-73.
Murray, C. E., White,]. W., Nemati, H., Chow, A. S., Marsh, A. C., & Edwards, S. (2014). A community considers a Family Justice Center: Perspectives of Stakeholders during the early phases of development. Journal efAggression, Conflict, and Peace Research, 6(2), 116-128.
Pope, A. L., Murray, C. E., & Kerner, G. (2013). The Couple's Resource Scales: A measure for research on resources in couple relationships. The Fami/y Journal Published before print on May 2, 2013. Retrieved May 10, 2013, from early/2013/04/22/1066480713476662.full.pdf +html. DOI: 10.1177 / 1066480713476662.
Haymore, L. B., Smith, P.H., Murray, C. E., & Morgan, M. Y. (2012). Through the Eyes of a Survivor: Implementation and pilot evaluation of a photovoice-based support group for female survivors of family-based interpersonal violence. Fami/y Violence Prevention and Health Practice, 12. Retrieved December 14, 2012 from survivor-a-pilot-study-to-examine-the-use-af-a-photovoice-based-support-group-for women-survivors-of-family-based-interpersonal-violence/ .
Borders, L. D., Young,]. S., Wester, K. L., Murray, C. E., Villalba,]. A., Lewis, T. F., & Mobley, A. K. (2011). Mentoring promotion/tenure seeking faculty: Principles of good practice within a counselor education program. Counselor Education and Supervision, 50, 171- 188.
Murray, C. E., Pope, A. L., & Rowell, P. C. (2010). Promoting counseling students' advocacy competencies through service-learning: An action research evaluation. Journal efSocial Action in Counseling and Psychology, 2(2). Retrieved January 26, 2011 from http:/ / jsacp/ Murray-v2n2-10 29-47.pdf.
Murray, C. E., Smith, P.H., & Avent, J. (2010). Solutions to the research-practice gap in domestic violence: A modified Delphi study with domestic violence coalition leaders. Journal efAggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 19( 4), 424-449.
Murray, C. E., & Welch, M. (2010). Preliminary construction of a service provider-informed domestic violence research agenda. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25(12), 2279-2296. DOI:10.1177 /0886260509354883.
Pope. A. L., Murray, C. E., & Mobley, A. K. (2010). Personal, relational, and contextual resources and relationship satisfaction in same-sex couples. The Family Journal, 18, 163-168. DOI: 10.1177 / 1066480710364501
Smith, P.H., Murray, C. E., & Coker, A. (2010). The Coping Window: A contextual framework for understanding the methods women use to cope with battering. Violence and Victims, 25, 18-28.
Mobley, A. K., Murray, C. E., Seaman, M. M., & Buford, A. P. (2009). Project Safe Love: Overview and pilot evaluation of an educational program about same-sex intimate partner violence. NC Perspectives (North Carolina Counseling Association Journal), 2, 28-37.
Murray, C. E. (2009). Diffusion of innovation theory: A framework for bridging the research-practice gap in counseling. Journal of Counseling and Development, 87, 108-116.
Murray, C. E., & Forti, A. M. (2009). Validation of the Couples Resource Map Scales. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 8, 209-225.
Murray, C. E., & Kardatzke, K. N. (2009). Addressing the needs of adult children of divorce in premarital counseling. The Family Journal, 17, 126-133.
Murray, C. E., & Mobley, A. K. (2009). Empirical research about same-sex intimate partner violence: A methodological review. Journal of Homosexuality, 56, 361-386.
Murray, C. E., & Murray, T. L. (2009). Reconsideration of the term "marriage" in Marriage and Family Therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy, 31, 209-221.
Murray, C. E., & Smith, P. H. (2009). Perceptions of research and practice among domestic violence researchers. Journal of Aggression, Conflict, and Peace Research, 1, 4-21.
Murray, C. E., Smith, P.H., Fowler, T. S., White,]. W., & Stamey, M (2009). The Women's Leadership Network for Safe and Healthy Relationships: A case study. Family Violence Prevention and Health Practice (E-JournaJ, 8 (Spring). Retrieved April 13, 2009, from 2009/ 02/womens-leadership-network/.
Murray, C. E., Wester, K. L., & Paladino, D. A. (2008). Dating violence and self-injury among college students: Attitudes and experiences. Journal of College Counseling, 11, 42-57.
Murray, C. E. (2007). Development of the Couples Resource Map Scales. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 6(4), 49-70.
Murray, C. E., & Graybeal, J. (2007). Methodological review of intimate partner violence prevention research.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 22(10: October 2007), 1250-1269.
Murray, C. E., & Kardatzke, K. N. (2007). Dating violence among college students: Key issues for college counselors.Journal of College Counseling, 10, 79-89.
Murray, C. E., Kelley-Soderholm, E. L., & Murray, T. L. (2007). Strengths, challenges, and relationship processes among families of children with upper limb differences: A qualitative study. Families, Systems, and Health, 20(3), 276-292.
Murray, C. E., & Murray, T. L. (2007). The Family Pharm: An ethical consideration of psychopharmacology in couple and family counseling. The Fami!J Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 15, 65-71.
Murray, T. L., Murray, C. E., & Daniels, M. H. (2007). Stress and family relationship functioning as indicators of the severity of Fibromyalgia Symptoms: A regression analysis. Stress and Health, 23, 3-8.
Murray, C. E., Mobley, A. K., Buford, A. P., & Seaman-Dejohn, M. M. (2006/2007). Same sex intimate partner violence: Dynamics, social context, and counseling implications. The JournalofGLBT Issues in Counseling,, 1(4), 7-30.
Murray, C. E. (2006). Professional responses to government-endorsed premarital counseling.
Marriage and Fami!J Review, 40(1), 53-67.
Murray, C. E., Lampinen, A., & Kelley, E. (2006). Teaching family systems theory through service-learning. Counselor Education and Supervision, 46, 44-58.
Murray, T. L., Daniels, M. H., & Murray, C. E. (2006). Differentiation of self, perceived stress, and symptom severity among patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Families, Systems, & Health: The Journal of Collaborative Fami!J HealthCare (An APA journal), 24(2), 147-159.
Murray, C. E., & Murray, T. L. (2006). Analysis of variance in Fibromyalgia symptom severity related to psychosocial and demographic variables. JournalofMusculoskeletal Pain, 14, 15-20.
Murray, C. E. (2006). Controversy, constraints, and context: Understanding family violence through family systems theory. The Fami91 Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 14(3), 234-239.
Murray, C. E. (2006). Which topics are important to address in premarital counseling? A survey of clergy. Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling,, 60(1-2), 69-81.
Murray, C. E. (2005). Prevention work: A professional responsibility for marriage and family counselors. The Fami!J Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 13(1), 27-34.
Murray, C. E. (2004). The relative influence of client characteristics on the process and outcomes of premarital counseling: A survey of providers. Contemporary Fami!J Therapy, 26(4), 447-463.
Murray, C. E., & Murray, T. L. (2004). Solution-focused premarital counseling: Helping couples build a vision for their marriage. JournalofMarital and Family Therapy, 30(3), 349-358.
Other Peer-Reviewed Publications
Murray, C. E. (2013). Intimate partner violence: Treating victims. In American Counseling Association (Ed.), A CA : Practice Briefs. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from http:/ / research.
Murray, C. E. (2013). Intimate partner violence: Treating battering perpetrators. In American Counseling Association (Ed.), ACA: Practice Briefs. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from http:/ / knowledge-center/ center-for-counseling-practice-policy-and research.
Murray, C. E. (2013). Intimate partner violence: Treating child witnesses. In American Counseling Association (Ed.), A CA : Practice Briefs. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from http:/ / knowledge-center/ center-for-counseling-practice-policy-and research.
Book Chapters
Murray C.E.,Johnson C.H. (2019) Supporting Family Justice Centers Through Research and Evaluation. In: Geffner R., Vieth V., Vaughan-Eden V., Rosenbaum A., Hamberger L., White J. (eds) Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan. Springer. 978-3-319-62122-7_139-1
Crowe, A., & Murray, C. E. (2019). Stigma and IPV victimization. In: Geffner R., Vieth V., Vaughan-Eden V., Rosenbaum A., Hamberger L., White J. (eds) Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan. Springer.https:/ / link.springer. com/ referenceworkentry/ 10.1007%2F978-3-319-62122-7_150-1
Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. (2018). The impact of stigma on survivors of intimate partner violence: Implications for counseling. In R. Javier & W. Herron (Eds.), Understanding domestic violence: Theories, challenges, remedies (pp. 287-302). New York: Jason Aronson (An imprint of Rowman & Littlefield).
Graves, K.N., & Murray, C. (2013). Trauma, domestic violence and addictions. In S. Lusk (Ed.), Counseling the addicted family: Implications for practitioners (pp. 239-264). Linn Creek, MO: Aspen Publishing.
Borders, L. D., & Murray, C. E. (2009). What's in a name? An international adoption case study. In R. C. Henriksen & D. A. Paladino (Eds.) Counseling Multiple Heritage Individuals, Couples, and Families (pp. 180-184). Alexandria,VA: ACA Publications.
Murray, C. E. (2008). Solution-focused premarital counseling. In L. VandeCreek (Ed.), Innovations in clinical practice: Focus on group and jami!J therapy (pp. 79-90). Sarasota, FL: Professional Resources Press.
Book Reviews
Murray, C. E. (2006). [Review of the book Couples therapy: Integrating theory and technique]. The Family Journal· Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 14, 452-453.
Murray, C. E. (2004). [Review of the book Clinical issues with interracial couples: Theories and research]. The Fami!y Journal Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 12(3), 329-330.
Other Publications
Murray, C. E., Bunch, R., Payton Foh, E., & Kesler, K. (May 11, 2022). Final report: Randolph County Comprehensive Juvenile/Youth Gang Assessment. 83-page report prepared for Randolph County and the Randolph County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council.
Murray, C. E., Scott-Little, C., Chow, A. S., Hewett, B., & Vargo, C. (August 30, 2021). Set of three reports on the Ready for School, Ready for Life 3-5 Strategy Design Process:
- Report #1: Process Summary (27-page report)
- Report #2: Data Report (107-page report)
- Report #3: Strategy Templates (97-page report)
Murray, C. E., Bunch, R. L., Craig, M., McIntyre,]., Proctor, M.,Jones-Marshall, A., & Barr, R. (2021). Identifying high-risk, underserved victim populations in Cleveland County, NC, using GIS and geographic analyses: Final Report. 33-page report prepared for the Justice Research Statistics Association.
Murray, C. E., Hewett, B., & Scott-Little, C. (May 28, 2021). Child care equity infrastructure and investment needs assessment: City of San Jose/STIR Labs Challenge: Final Report. 24-page report prepared for the City of San Jose Division of Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services.
Murray, C. E.,Johnson, C., & McCollum, B. (2020). Guilford County Family Justice Center Annual Report, Year Five (July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020). 36-page report prepared for the Guilford County Family Justice Center Executive Committee.
Murray, C. E., & Johnson, C. (2020). Op-Ed: An increased risk for domestic violence: Unintended side effect of social distancing. Greensboro News & Record, April 12, 2020. https:/ / columns/ christine-murray-and-catherine-johnson increased-risk-for-domestic-violence-an-unintended-side-effect-of/article ace0dde6-87 c5- 5254-9a6a-526ebd480e7a.html.
Murray, C. E.,Johnson, C., McCollum, B., & Wyche, B. (2019). Guilford County Family Justice Center Annual Report, Year Four (July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019). 39-page report prepared for the Guilford County Family Justice Center Executive Committee.
Murray, C. E.,Johnson, C., Wyche, B., and the Guilford County Family Justice Center Data and Outcomes Committee (2018). Family Justice Center Evaluation Toolkit. Guilford County, NC. 36-page toolkit prepared in partnership with the Guilford County Family Justice Center. Available for free download here: http:/ / resources.html.
Murray, C. E.,Johnson, C., Wyche, B., & Morris, M. (December 2018). Guilford County Family Justice Center Annual Report, Year Three CTuly 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018). 33-page report prepared for the Guilford County Family Justice Center Executive Committee.
Murray, C. E., Martin, A. L., Johnson, C. H., & Morris, M. (November 2017). Guilford County Family Justice Center Annual Report, Year Two CTune 15, 2016, through June 30, 2017). 32- page report prepared for the Guilford County Family Justice Center Executive Committee.
Murray, C. E., & Johnson, C.H. CTune 2017). Op-Ed: Men must commit to eradicating domestic violence. Greensboro News & Record. http:/ / www.greensbo opinion / columns/ christine-murray-and-catherine-johnson men-must-commit-to-eradicating/ article 39013031-84c7-56cf-bc50-1e63989db19£.html.
Murray, C. E. (2017, February 2017). Op-Ed: Healthy Relationships Matter. Greensboro News & Record. http:/ / www.greensbo opinion / columns/ christine-murray-healthy relationships-matter/article d530d03f-a28e-5fb6-9788-c2468dfc26b9.html
Murray, C. E., Martin, A., &Johnson, C. (2016, November). Guilford County Family Justice Center Annual Report, Year One: June 15, 2015, through June 15, 2016. 41-page report prepared for the Guilford County Family Justice Center Executive Committee.
Murray, C.E. (2016, May 1). Op-Ed: The importance of abuse survivors' stories. Greensboro News & Record. http:/ / www.greensbo opinion / columns/ christine-murray-the-importance-of abuse-survivors-stories/ article ae4cdf0a-a526-5d1a-ae61-2d9c9c9322df .html
Murray, C. E., Graves, K. N., & Johnson, C. (2015, June). Guilford County Family Justice Center: Baseline data report,June 2015. 20-page reported completed for the Guilford County Family Justice Center Executive Committee.
Spencer, K. M., Stickl,J., Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. (2015). See the Triumph Healing Arts Workshops Facilitator Guide. 25-page curriculum available at the following web-site: http:/ / see-the-triumph-healing-arts-workshops.html
Murray, C. E., Crowe, A., & King, K. (2015). #SafeDating4Teens Parent-Teen Discussion Guide for See the Triumph. 19-page workbook for parents and teenagers to discuss teen dating violence. Available from the following web-site: available.
Wester, K. L., & Murray, C. E. (2015, April 26). Op-Ed: The best barriers for suicide prevention? Build mental health resources, not fences. The Greensboro News & Record. http:/ / opinion/ columns/ signs-of-suicide/article f827966a-e9d2-11e4-bde3- 23cc4be920a9 .html?mode=story
Murray, C. E. (2014, December). A look beyond statistics : Intimate partner violence and firearms.
National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan Newsletter, November/December. http:/ /!a-look-beyond-statistics-ipvfirearms/ c12vz
Murray, C. E. (2014, October 25). Op-Ed: National School Bus Safety Week and sexual abuse prevention. The Herald-Sun (Durham, NC). ts/ x1154812548 /National-School-Bus Safety-Week-and-sexual-abuse-prevention
Murray, C. E. (2014, September 21). Op-Ed: How to end the abuse. Greensboro News & Record. http:/ / columns/how-to-end-the-abuse/article 45e0ed20- 3f3d-11e4-bf9e-001a4bcf6878.html
Murray, C. E., Crowe, A., & Miller, R. (2014). See the Triumph Workbooks (Volume 1: Recoveringfrom abuse, 22 pages; Volume 2: Embracing a peaceful, safe life, 18 pages; and Volume 3: From survivor to community advocate, 18 pages) and Facilitator Guide (9 pages). Workbooks and curriculum for survivors of intimate partner violence. Available from the following web-site: l.
Chow, A. S., Murray, C. E., Croxton, R., & Porter-Fyke, E. (2014). Usability analysis: Preliminary findings: Report on usability testing findings presented to the National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women. (31-page report)
Haymore, L. B., Smith, P. H., Murray, C. E., & Strack, R. (2013). Through the Eyesofa Survivor: Train the Trainer Toolkit: Using a photovoice-based support group with survivors of Family-based interpersonal violence. Training manual developed through the UNCG Center for Women's Health and Wellness (65-page document).
Murray, C. E. (2014, February 2, 2014). Op-Ed: Adults should help teens deal with dating violence. Greensboro News and Record. http:/ / 9320ece4-a6b8-5cc8-a225- 099568fedb06.html
Murray, C. E. (2013, September 22, 2013). Op-Ed: Eyes wide open: Stopping domestic violence tragedies also responsibility of community. Greensboro News and Record.
Murray, C.E., Pow, A. M., Horton, G. E.,Johnson, C.H., Garr, B., Notestine, L., Flasch, P., Doom,
E. B., & Fickling, M. (2013). Safety strategies: Safety planning for survivors of domestic violence and their children. Retrieved July 26, 2013, from http:/ / uploads/ 1/ 5/ 1/ 4/15142888/ safety_strategies booklet.p df.
Murray, C. E. (2013, February 10). Op-Ed: Domestic violence: Fact and Fiction . Greensboro News & Record. Retrieved on-line at http:/ / opinion/ columnist/666005- 94/ op-ed-domes tic-violence- fact-from.
Kelly, J., Murray, C. E., Cashwell, C., Erasquin, J. T., & Jones, C. Surviving and Thriving: The Development and Validation of the Intimate Partner Violence Recovery Measure.
International, National, Regional, and State Conferences
Fraga, C., & Murray, C. E. (2023). Data and evaluation for multiagency centers. Invited to present a breakout session at the 2023 NC Family Justice Center and Collaborative Communities Conference. Greensboro, NC, September 13-14, 2023.
Murray, C. E., Douglas. F., & Reece, K. (2023). Understanding the role and value of youth and family peer support. Presentation to the i2i Spring Conference. June 12, 2023, Raleigh, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2022). Opening keynote address: Supporting survivors and their children in triumphing over abuse. Presentation at the Drexel University Center for Family Intervention Science's "Re-establishing Families as the Secure Base in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence" Virtual Conference. May 26-27, 2022, Virtual (Based in Philadelphia, PA).
Murray, C. E., & Dos Santos, C. (2020). Promoting Healthy Families with Resources from the Healthy Relationships Initiative. Presentation at the 2020 National Smart Start Conference . May 4-7, 2020, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2019). Healthy relationship promotion as a violence prevention strategy: Lessons learned from the Guilford County Healthy Relationships Initiative. Presentation at the North Carolina Infant Mental Health and Home Visiting Summit. November 12, 2019, Greensboro, NC.
Chow, A. S., Murray, C. E., & Gray, R., Fansler, L. A., & Linville, T. (2019). Healthy Relationships Initiative e-Learning MOOC - Anytime, Anywhere. Presentation at the UNC System Digital Learning Initiative (DLI) Symposium. March 28, 2019, Chapel Hill, NC.
Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. (2018). Helping survivors of abuse triumph: Resources from the See the Triumph campaign. Presentation at the Institute on Violence, Trauma, and Abuse Summit. September 6, 2018, San Diego. Note: The presentation was delivered sole!J 1!) Allison Crowe due to illness.
Howley, S., Yahner, J., Staff from Vera Institute, Murray, C.E. (2017). Transforming research on victims of crime. Member of panel for session during the 2017 conference of the American Society of Criminology. November 17th, 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
Crowe, A., Murray, C.E., Stickl, J., & Moore, K.. (2017). See the Triumph Healing Arts Workshops for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault. Presentation delivered at the 2017 conference of the North Carolina Counseling Association. February 24, 2017, Durham, NC. (Note: Delivered by Crowe and Moore due to a scheduling conflict.)
Murray, C.E. (2016). The State of Relationships and Families in Guilford County. Presentation delivered at the Healthy Relationships, Healthy Lives Conference of the UNCG Child and Family Research Network. October 12, 2016, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. C. (2016). Counselor Educators as Social Justice Advocates: Lessons from the See the Triumph Campaign. Presentation to be delivered at the 2016 conference of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. October 7, 2016. New Orleans, LA. (Presented solely be Dr. Crowe due to a funeral)
Crowe, A., C., & Murray, C. E. (2016). Stigma and social media: Supporting survivors of intimate partner violence through the See the Triumph Research Campaign. Presentation delivered at the 2016 North Carolina Counseling Association Conference. February 19, 2016. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2016). Trauma-informed counseling for victims and survivors of intimate partner violence. Learning Institute delivered at the American Counseling Association Conference. March 2016. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Lundgren, K.., Quinlan, J., Spence, D., Murray, C., Hunnicutt, G., Olson, L. (2015). Traumatic brain injury resulting from intimate partner violence. Poster presentation to be delivered at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference. November 13, 2015. Denver, Colorado . **Awarded recognition as an ASHA Meritorious Poster, a recognition awarded to only 54 of the total 1,573 poster sessions submitted in 2015.
Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. C. (2015). Stigma, Empowerment, and Advocacy: An Update on the See the Triumph Campaign. Presentation to be delivered at the annual conference for the Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina. October 9, 2015. Raleigh, NC.
Murray, C. E., Van Doren, D., & Mobley, A.K. (2014). Intimate partner violence, Part Two: Assessment and counseling strategies. Webinar presented to members of the American Mental Health Counselors Association. October 22, 2014. Delivered on-line.
Murray, C. E., Van Doren, D., & Mobley, A.K. (2014). Intimate partner violence, Part One: The dynamics of abusive relationships. Webinar presented to members of the American Mental Health Counselors Association. October 8, 2014. Delivered on-line.
Murray, C. E., & Crowe, A. (2014, September). Counseling advocacy in action: Lessons learned through the See the Triumph campaign. Presentation delivered at the 2014 Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2014, September). Overcoming the stigma surrounding intimate partner violence. 60-minute presentation delivered at the 19th International Conference & Summit on Violence, Abuse, & Trauma. San Diego, CA.
Crowe, A., & Murray, C. E. (2014, May). The stigma surrounding intimate partner violence: Research-informed approaches to understanding and overcoming the stigma at the individual and societal level. 1.5-hour presentation delivered at the Annual Conference of the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Greensboro, NC.
Hunnicutt, G., Lundgren, K., Murray, C., & Olson, L. (2014). Traumatic brain injury and women who have been battered. One-hour breakout workshop delivered at the 2nd Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., Garr, B., & Desai, S. (2014). Evaluating batterer intervention programs: Measuring outcomes that are difficult to track. Poster delivered at the 2nd Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., Campbell, E., Pope, A., Fuenfhausen, K., Akers, W., & Kuruck, H. (2013). The basics of sexuality counseling: From A to E. Presentation delivered at the 2013 Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina. Greensboro, NC.
Campbell, E. D., & Murray, C. E. (2013). Technology usage and relationships: A survey. Poster session presented at the 2013 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Denver, CO.
Crowe, A., & Murray, C. E. (2013). Stigma from counselors and other professionals toward battering survivors. Roundtable session presented at the 2013 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Denver, CO.
Fuenfhausen, K., Pope, A., & Murray, C. E. (2013). Teaching sexuality counseling: Challenges and strategies. Education session presented at the 2013 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Denver, CO.
Crowe, A., & Murray, C. E. (2013, April). Stigma stories from battering survivors. Poster presented at the Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference. Greensboro, NC.
Haymore, L. B., Trivette, L., Easter, J., Murray, C. E., & Smith, P. H. (2013). Why are we sharing recipes? Collaborative efforts to enhance support groups for survivors of family based interpersonal violence. Poster presented at the Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference. Greensboro, NC.
Horton, G. E., & Murray, C. E. (2013, April). Addressing the safety planning needs of children exposed to domestic violence: Preliminary results from a statewide focus group study. Poster presented at the Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference . Greensboro, NC.
Marsh, A. C., Notestine, L., Garr, B., & Murray, C. E. (2013, April). Domestic violence service providers' perceptions of safety planning: A focus group stud y. Poster presented at the Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2013, April). Bridging research and practice to advance responses to violence against women. Keynote address presented at the Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference. Greensboro, NC.
Lewis, L., Fulton, C., Shannonhouse, L. R., Adamson, N. A., & Murray, C. E. (2013, March 22). Leadership Principles in Action: Fostering Servant Leadership through a Prolonged Counselor Community Engagement Partnership. Chi Sigma Iota sponsored session presented at the American Counseling Association Conference. Cincinnatti, OH.
Murray, C. E., Notestine, L. N., Horton, G. E., Marsh, A., & Garr, B. (2013, March). The dynamics of domestic violence: Assessment and counseling strategies. Three-hour learning institute delivered at the 2013 American Counseling Association Conference. Cincinnati, OH.
Murray, C. E., & Hutto, R.. (2013, Feb ruary 28). Responding to family violence: The role of marriage and family therapists. Pre-conference learning institute delivered at the conference of the North Carolina Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, Greensboro, NC.
Crowe, A., & Murray, C. E. (2013, February 22). See the Triumph: Overcoming the stigma of domestic violence victimization. Presentation delivered at the conference of the North Carolina Counseling Association. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., Horton, G. E., Garr, B., & Flasch, P. (2013, February 21). The trauma of domestic violence victimization: Counseling and Assessment Strategies for Victims and Their Children. Presentation delivered at the conference of the North Carolina Counseling Association. Greensboro, NC.
Campbell, E. C., & Murray, C. E. (2012, October). Positive sexuality: A lens for counseling clients related to sex and sexuality. Presentation delivered at the Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina conference, October 19'\ 2012.
Murray, C. E., Doom, E. B., Garr, B., Johnson, C., Marsh, A., Notestine, L., & Flasch (2012, October). Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence: Recommendations for couple and family counselors. Presentation delivered at the Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina conference, October 19'\ 2012.
Murray, C. E., Notestine, L. N., Horton, G. E., Marsh, A., Doom, E., Johnson, C., & Garr,
B. (2012). Domestic Violence Service Providers' Perceptions of Safety Planning: A focus group study. Presentation delivered at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision conference, September 28'\ 2012. Savannah, GA.
Notestine, L., Murray, C., Horton, E., Marsh, A., & Doom, E. (2012). Safety planning: How counselors can address safety issues with clients. Presentation delivered at the N.C. Counseling Association Conference, February 15-17, 2012. Greensboro, NC.
Marsh, A., & Murray, C. (2012). Entrepreneurship in counseling: Innovative support of our agencies and our clients. Presentation delivered at the N.C. Counseling Association Conference, February 15-17, 2012. Greensboro, NC.
Kerner, G., Pope, A., & Murray, C. (;:iftlerin Destek Kaynaklan emas1 ve O1<;:ekleri:(;:ift ve Aile Daru manhg1'nda Daru an ihtiya<;lanru Belirleme Ara<;lan (Couples Resource Map and Scales: Assessment Tools for Determining Client Needs in Couples and Family Counseling).Paper presented in XI. Ulusal Psikolojik Daru ma ve RehberlikKongresi (XI. National Psychological Counseling and Guidance Conference),izmir, Turkey, October 3-5, 2011.
Murray, C. E., Wester, K. L., & Mobley, A. K. (2011, October). Strategies for linking counseling research and practice. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Nashville, TN.
Notestine, L., Murray, C. E., Jones, L. K., Higgins-Johnson, C., Horton, G. E., & Boul, S. J. (2011, October). Expanded safety planning: How counselor educators can train students to address safety issues with clients impacted by family violence. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Nashville, TN.
Murray, C. E., Pope, A. L., & Kerner, G. (2011, February). The Couple's Resource Map and Scales: Tools to assess client resources in couple counseling. Workshop presented at the meeting of the North Carolina Counseling Association Conference, Concord, NC.
Notestine, L., Murray, C. E., Boul, S. J., Horton, G. E., Jones, L. K., & Johnson, C. (2011, February). Counseling domestic violence survivors: Current research and theory based approaches. Workshop presented at the meeting of the North Carolina Counse ling Association Conference, Concord, NC.
Murray, C. E., Rowell, P. C., & Pope, A. L. (2010, October). Promoting counseling students' advocacy competencies through service-learning. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Williamsburg, VA.
Mobley, A. K., & Murray, C. E. (2009, April). Multiple Opportunities, Multiple Challenges: Ethical and Therapeutic Considerations for Working with Groups, Couples, and Families. Workshop presented for the Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2009, March). Work/life balance: Session moderator. Fourth Breastfeeding and Feminism Symposium: From Birthplace to Workplace. Co-sponsored by the UNCG Center for Women's Health and Wellness and the UNC-Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2009, February). Ethical Issues in Working with Clients Affected by Family Violence. Pre-conference institute presented at the North Carolina Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2008, October). Innovative approaches to sexuality counseling education. Roundtable session delivered at the meeting of the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Houston, TX.
Smith, P.H., Murray, C. E., Fowler, T. S., & White, J. W. (2008, February). The Women's Leadership Network for Safe and Healthy Relationships. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association's Summit on Violence and Abuse in Relationships, Bethesda, MD.
Kardatzke, K. N., & Murray, C. E. (2008, February). College counselors' role in addressing dating violence on campus. Workshop presented at the meeting of the American College Counseling Association, Savannah, GA. (Note: Presented solely by K. N. Kardatzke)
Kardatzke, K. N., & Murray, C. E. (2007, September). Preparing 21st century couples for marriage: Assessment considerations for adult children of divorce. Presentation delivered at the meeting of the Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina, Durham.
Kardatzke, K. N., & Murray, C. E. (2007, March). Assessment and counseling strategies for college students affected by dating violence. Workshop presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association, Detroit, MI. (Note: Presented solely by K. N. Kardatzke due to my maternity leave)
Murray, C. E. (2006, October). Initial development of the Couples Resource Map Scales. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Austin, TX.
Murray, C. E. (2006, September). Developing service-learning projects for counselor education courses. Content session delivered at the meeting of the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Orlando, FL.
Murray, C. E. (2006, May). Overcoming Barriers to Effective Treatment of Co-occurring Substance Abuse, Violence, and Psychiatric Disorders in Families. Workshop presented at the McLeod Institute on Substance Abuse, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Paladino, D. A., & Murray, C. E. (2006, April). Intra-family multiculturalism: Family-focused strategies for counseling multiracial children. Workshop presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Murray, C. E. (2006, February). The role of counselors in eradicating family violence. Presentation delivered at the meeting of the North Carolina Counseling Association, Durham, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2005, October). Client characteristics and topics in premarital counseling. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Kansas City, MO.
Murray, C. E., & Murray, T. L. (2005, May). Family system-focused prevention: Opportunities for marriage and family therapists. Workshop presented at the meeting of the Florida Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Benshoff, J., Paisley, P., Murray, C. E., & Rowell, P. C. (2005, April). Teaching graduate students in the new millennium: New faces, new challenges. Presentation at the meeting of the American Counseling Association, Atlanta, GA.
Murray, C. E., & Manley, A., (2004, November). Premarital counseling in Florida: Current practice and future directions. Workshop presented at the meeting of the Florida Counseling Association, St. Petersburg, FL.
Murray, C. E., & Murray, T. L. (2004, May). Solution-focused premarital counseling. Workshop presented at the meeting of the Florida Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Naples, FL.
Murray, C. E., & Murray, T. L. (2004, April). Government-endorsed premarital counseling: Strengthening policy through research. Poster session presented at the National Council on Family Relations Public Policy and Education Conference, Washington, DC
Regional, State, and Local Educational Speaking Engagements, Educational Presentations, and Appearances
Murray, C. E. (2024). Counseling and interventions for adults with experiences of domestic violence. 4-hour training delivered to the counseling staff at Cherry Point Marine Corps Base through Eastern AHEC. Presented virtually. February 9, 2024.
Murray, C. E. (2023). Building healthy relationships at work. Presentation for the St. Francis Springs Retreat Center, Stoneville, NC. September 28, 2023.
Murray, C. E. (2023). Domestic violence: Dynamics, impacts, community resources, & ways to offer support. Presentation at the NC High Fidelity Wraparound Training Program Conference, Greensboro, NC. April 13, 2023.
Murray, C. E., &Jamison, M. (2022). Healthy Co-Worker Relationships. Presented to Camp Counselors through the Greensboro Department of Parks and Recreation on Saturday, June 4'\ 2022. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2021). Overview of the Sesame Street in Communities Resources. Presented to the Head Start/Early Head Start Pre-service Training for Guilford Child Development. August 24' 2021, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2020). Domestic violence: Basics for mental health professionals. Presented through Eastern AHEC for Cherry Point Marine Corps Base. December 11, 2020.
Murray, C. E. (2020). TEDxGreensboro Talk: Every survivor of abuse has a story that matters. March 2020 live event was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. Live online event to debut the video was held on September 17, 2020. https:/ / www.youtub watch?v=OxJywSH bAvM&feature=emb_logo
Murray, C. E., Martin, E., Flasch, P., Kelly, J., & Miller, R. (2020). Self-care and emotional health during the pandemic: Online Survivor Forum. Hosted by the See the Triumph campaign. April 22, 2020. Recording is available at the following link:https:/ / com/ watch?v=kPnhcT oSuCO&feature=you
Murray, C. E. (2020). Keeping relationships strong during this time of social distancing. Online program delivered through Action Greensboro. April 1, 2020. Greensboro, NC. Recording is available at the following link: https:/ / www.facebook. com/ 165506233476025/videos/ 227421445117062/ .
Murray, C. E. (2020). Therapy for Couples. Presentation delivered to the staff of the UNC Greensboro Psychology Clinic. January 23, 2020. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2020). What to do when you can't agree: Workshop for couples. Workshop delivered at Fellowship Hall. January 11, 2020. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., Meliwe N., Egerton, C., & Driver, R. (2019). Reflections of Self: Education, Relationships, and Identity (Panel Moderator). Greensboro Public Library's One City, One Book event. October 22, 2019, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2019, October). Keynote speech: Greensboro Purple Tree Lighting for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. October 1, 2019, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2019, March). Promoting healthy relationships for teens. Professional training presented at Youth Focus. March 19, 2019, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2019, March). Sesame Street in Communities: Resources for Mental Health Professionals. Professional training presented by the Guilford County Healthy Relationships Initiative. March 8, 2019, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C., E., & Dos Santos, C. (2019, March). Building healthy relationships at work. Lead Your City Summit presented by SynerG (Action Greensboro) . March 7, 2019, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2018, September). Addiction and Domestic Violence. Professional training for counselors through Fellowship Hall. September 20, 2018, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2018, August). The Guilford County Healthy Relationships Initiative. Presentation to the Board of the Guilford County Partnership for Children. August 21st, 2018, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2018, August). Promoting healthy relationships: Resources from the Healthy Relationships Initiative. Professional training delivered to approximately 330 Guilford Child Development Head Start and Early Head Start teachers, directors, and staff. August 15, 2018, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2018, June). The Guilford County Healthy Relationships Initiative. Presentation to grantees of the Foundation for a Healthy High Point. June 28'\ 2018, High Point, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2018, February). Promoting healthy relationships for teens. Presentation delivered to the Trauma Provider Network of the Greensboro Child Response Initiative. February 7, 2018. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2018, January). Relationships: The Core of Leading Local. Presentation delivered to the Women to Watch Event of the Junior League of Greensboro. January 24, 2017. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2017, November). Counseling victims and survivors of intimate partner violence. Presentation delivered to staff of Fellowship Hall. November 1, 2017. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2017, October). Empowerment Luncheon: The dynamics of abusive relationships and how to help a friend in an abusive relationship. Presentation delivered to staff and community members at the YWCA High Point . October 24, 2017. High Point, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2017, September). Working with clients impacted by intimate partner violence or sexual assault on a college campus. Presentation delivered to staff of the University of Central Florida Counseling Center. September 22, 2017. Orlando, FL.
Murray, C. E. (2017, July). The Guilford County Healthy Relationships Initiative. Presentation delivered to the Greensboro Child Response Initiative Trauma Provider Network. July 12, 2017. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2017, March). Proactive parenting for a safe Sternberger: How parents can help to prevent and respond to bullying. Presentation delivered to the Sternberger Elementary School PTA. March 28, 2017. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2016, August). Intimate partner violence. Presentation delivered to the UNCG Dean of Students Judiciary Board Members. August 18, 2016. Greensboro, NC.
Workman, J., & Murray, C. E. (2016). Teen dating violence. Presentation to be delivered to the Youth Services Network of Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department and Partners for Healthy Youth at the Greensboro YWCA. February 9, 2016.
Lundgren, K., Hunnicutt, G., Murray, C. E., & Olson, L. (2015). Traumatic brain injury and survivors of intimate partner violence. Presentation delivered through the Violence Prevention Network of Guilford County. November 4, 2015.
Murray, C. E. (2015, October). Domestic violence basics and the Guilford County Family Justice Center. Presentation delivered to parents of children enrolled in the McElveen Head Start Center. October 19, 2015. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2015, September). See the Triumph: Addressing the stigma surrounding intimate partner violence. Presentation delivered to the regional division of the Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina. September 11, 2015. Raleigh, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2015). The stigma surrounding intimate partner violence. Guest lecture delivered to graduate-level course in the School of Public Health at UNC-Chapel Hill. September 9, 2015. Chapel Hill, NC.
Chappell, M., Hamilton,]., & Murray, C. E (2015, August). Panelist on UNCG's showing of the Hunting Ground discussion (documentary about college sexual assault. August 31, 2015, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., Hamilton, J. (2015, August). Intimate partner violence, stalking, and bullying. Presentation to be delivered to the UNCG Dean of Students Judiciary Board Members. August 13, 2015. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2015, July). Counselors' role in responding to intimate partner violence. Guest lecture, delivered via Skype, to graduate counseling students at the University of Central Florida. July 15, 2015. Orlando, FL.
Murray, C. E., Brady, S., & Hines, R. (2015). Teen dating violence. Panel discussion conducted in an assembly at Dudley High School. April 23, 2015. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (facilitator), Johnson, C., Walters, K., & Campbell, T. (2015). The Guilford County Family Justice Center. Panel discussion conducted at the Guilford County Community Healthcare & Faith Summit . April 16, 2015. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2015, April 11). Self-care for parents of children with congenital upper limb differences. Four 1.5-hour workshops delivered through the Hands to Love camp. Gainesville, FL.
Murray, C. E. (2014, November). Dating violence among teens and young adults: Implications for counseling. Presentation delivered through the Vacc Counseling and Consulting Clinic. November 21, 2014. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., Hamilton, J. (2014, August). Intimate partner violence, stalking, and bullying. Presentation to be delivered to the UNCG Dean of Students Judiciary Board Members. August 14, 2014. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., and panel members (2014, June 25th). Teen dating violence. Panel presentation delivered through the YWCA of Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2014, June). Connections : Domestic Violence and Mental Health. Day-long workshop delivered through the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence. June 9t\ 2014. Waynesville, NC.
Murray, C. E., & Garr, B. (2014, April 24). Evaluation of the Domestic Violence Intervention Program at Family Service of the Piedmont. Presentation delivered for the UNCG Office of Leadership and Service Learning. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., Harger, S., Desai, S., & Fulk, T. (2014, February 20). Teen dating violence: Parent program (No Hatin' N Datin' event sponsored by the Greensboro Police Department). Facilitator and member of panel. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., & Garr, B. (2013, November). Safety strategies: Safety planning for victims of domestic violence and their children. Workshop presented through Davie County Domestic Violence Services. Mocksville, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2013, October). Connections: Domestic Violence and Mental Health. Day long workshop delivered through the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence. October 22, 2013. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., & Hamilton, J. (2013, October). Exhibitor at the Greensboro Police Department's event, "Band together to end domestic violence." October 12, 2013. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., Edwards, M., Harger, S., & Wright, L. (2013, October). Understanding domestic violence: How the community can help. Presentation delivered at a YWCA Greensboro Lunch and Learn Series Luncheon. October 16, 2013. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., Irwin-Olson, J., Carter, B., Lombardi, J., & Harger, S. (2013, October). What to do if you suspect a UNCG employee or student is experiencing intimate partner violence. Presentation delivered through the UNCG Faculty Teaching and Learning Center . October 9, 2013. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2013, September). Domestic violence safety planning. Workshop presented to the Northern Piedmont Region of the NC Council for Women. Greensboro, NC.
Irwin-Olson, J., & Murray, C. E. (2013, August). Intimate partner violence, stalking, and bullying. Presentation to be delivered to the UNCG Dean of Students Judiciary Board Members. August 15, 2013. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2013, June). Working with victims of intimate partner violence and their children. Presentation delivered to the staff of the UNCG Psychology Clinic. June 4'\ 2013, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2013, March). Triumphing over past abuse. Speaker at the Winston-Salem State Clothesline Project's Light Up the Night Vigil. Winston-Salem, NC.
Murray, C. E., Rodriguez, C., Sechrist, S., & Weil, J. (2013, February). Violence and Violence Prevention. Invited presenters for the UNCG Child and Family Research Network meeting. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2013, March). Work/life balance: Strategies for success. Invited guest speaker at the 3rd Annual Women's Leadership Summit, hosted by the Junior League of Greensboro. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2012, November). Welcome and ways others can help victims overcome domestic violence. Remarks to be delivered to the Sherri Denese Jackson Foundation for the Prevention of Domestic Violence 3rd Annual Fundraiser Gala, November 3, 2012, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2012, October). Responding to domestic violence: The essentials for counselors. Presentation to be delivered to a graduate-level counseling course at Lenoir Rhyne University, October 27, 2012, Asheville, NC.
Campbell, T., & Murray, C. E. (2012, October). Intimate partner violence fundamentals. Presentation delivered to the Guilford County Schools Health Advisory Committee, October 23, 2012, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., (2012, October). Resource fair exhibitor. Greensboro Commission on the Status of Women Domestic Violence Awareness Month Panel Discussion and Resource Fair. October 2, 2012, Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E., & Johnson, C. H. (2012). Sexual violence within dating violence among college students. Presentation delivered to the UNCG Dean of Students Judiciary Board Members. August 16, 2012. Greensboro, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2011). Intimate partner violence basics. Presentation delivered to the staff of the UNCG Beyo nd Academics program. Greensboro, NC, December 16'1\ 2011.
Murray, C. E. (2011). Domestic violence: The impact on victims and children. Presentation to the Greensboro Child Response Initiative Provider Meeting. October 5, 2011.
Murray, C. E. (2011). Responding to domestic violence: Practical tools for service providers. Day-long workshop presented to mental health and substance abuse treatment providers through the Cone Health Foundation, Greensboro, NC, September 9, 2011.
Murray, C. E., & Mobley, A. K. (2009, June). Ethical Issues in Working with Multiple Clients: Case Studies in Group, Couple, and Family Counseling. Continuing education workshop presented at Family Service of Davidson County, NC.
Murray, C. E. (2008, September). Working toward a more family-friendly UNCG: Background and current initiatives. Presentation delivered as part of the UNCG Center for Women's Health and Wellness's Seminar Series on Motherhood Research, Advocacy, and Experience.
Murray, C. E. (2008, September). The basics of domestic violence. Roundtable session presented to the Southeast Regional Council ofYWCAs, Winston-Salem, NC.
Murray, C. E., & Murray, T. L. (2004, April). E motion coaching for parents under stress. Workshop presented at Hands to Love Camp (a camp for children with hand deformities and their families), Keystone Heights, FL.
Murray, C. E. (2003, July). Group family counseling. Presentation for school counseling graduate students enrolled in the C.L.E.P. (Counselors Lifting the Community) program at the University of Florida, Gainesville.
Community Involvement
National Level
- National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence, Member of the Board of Directors (September 2013 - October 2015; Fall 2018 - Summer 2020); Advisor to the Board of Directors (Fall 2020 - present)
- Junior Chair-Elect, Research and Dissemination Action Team, Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
- Dissemination Action Team Member, National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence (NPEIV, 2013 - 2019)
- 2014 Think Tank Participant, Participant in day-long Think Tank on ending interpersonal violence, Saturday, September 6'\ 2014, San Diego, CA
- Chi Sigma Iota International, Grants Review Committee (2013-2014)
- Reviewer and Editorial Board Member, Journal of Fami!y Violence (2011 - May 2023; promoted to Editorial Board Member in March 2015)
- Editorial Board Member, The Family Journal- Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families (2006- Spring 2018)
- IAMFC By-laws Committee, Chair (2008-2011)
- ACA interprofessional Committee, Member (2007-2010)
- Ad Hoc Reviewer,Journal if Interpersonal Violence (August 2009; April 2013)
- Conference Program Reviewer, 2010 American Counseling Association Conference CTune 2009)
- Ad Hoc Reviewer, Gender Issues (October 2008)
- Ad Hoc Reviewer,Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy (October 2007)
- Ad Hoc Reviewer,Journal if Marital and FamilyJ Therapy (December 2005;June 2007; May 2008; August 2008)
- ACES New Faculty Interest Network State Ambassador for North Carolina, Provide support and consultation to new Counselor Education faculty members within North Carolina. (August 2006-present).
- CACREP Site Visit Team Member, Attended training at 2006 American Counseling Association Convention.
- Ad Hoc Reviewer, Trauma, Violence, and Abuse: A Review Journal (May 2006)
- Ad Hoc Program Abstract Reviewer, 2006 American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Annual Conference (December 2005)
- Grant Reviewer, Healthy Marriage Research Initiative of the United States Administration for Children and Families (Summer 2005)
- American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Family T.E.A.M. (Therapist Education Advocacy Movement) Member, Legislative action community within AAMFT (2005-2008)
- Book Review Board Member, The Fami!J Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families (2004-2006)
State, Regional, and Local Level
- Guilford Basics Advisory Committee Member, October 2019-present
- Guilford County Family Justice Center Planning Group Member and Executive Committee Member, September 2013 - present
- Member of the following FJC committees: Executive Committee, Space Planning Committee, Family Justice Center Director Position Selection Committee, Family Justice Center Director Position Interview Panel, FJC Public Relations and Community Engagement Committee; Chair of the Data and Evaluation Committee
- Guilford County Partnership for Children, Board Member, October 2018-present
- Board Secretary: June 2019 - present, The Purple Relay: Team Up to End Domestic Violence Planning Committee, 2014 and 2015. On committee planning the race, which is sponsored by the Greensboro Police Department, and it raises funds for the domestic violence services provided by Family Service of the Piedmont.
- Mental Health and Domestic Violence Task Force Member, North Carolina Governor's Crime Commission, October 2011-Spring 2014.
- UNCG Monument Quilt Workshop Planning Committee, July - October 2014. On committee that planned the UNCG-hosted workshop, which was held October 15, 2014 and was open to members of the UNCG and greater Greensboro community.
- FORCE and NCCASA Monument Quilt Durham Stop Planning Committee, May 2014- present
- Member of committee to plan the stop of the Monument Quilt Tour in Durham, NC, in Fall 2014
- Violence Prevention Network of Guilford County
- Co-Coordinator: August 2012 through August 2013
- Coordinator: August 2013 -August 2014