Blurry Lights


Dec 24

4th Sunday of Advent


Advent 2023

"Welcome one another as God has welcomed you for the glory or God."  Romans 15:7

Tired and weary, Joseph and Mary sought shelter and found no room in the inn. Still, God had a plan. A kind person eventually took pity on them. They had no room in the inn or their home, but there was room in the stable.

Though not what they had expected, they found welcome and the shelter that they needed. And there, they first beheld God incarnate. They, and all the world, was blessed by the miracle in the manger.

We also find welcome and all that we need through the mercies of God. Though it may be in unexpected places, our Lord faithfully meets us. Though we may not always see him, he is always there.

He is there in those who bless us, share his love, and care for our needs.

He is there in those who have needs: the poor, the needy, and the helpless who need our service.

He is there in our families and friendships as his love is shared.

He is there when two or more gather in worshipping him.

He is there when we celebrate, and there when we grieve.

He doesn’t ask where we have been or why it has taken so long. Quite the contrary, he opens his doors wide and comes out to meet us, inviting us in. We thought we were looking for him, but he has been watching and seeking us all along.

Come, child, into my home. You are welcome here. I will always be with you.

All of us at Concordia University Irvine wish you a Merry Christmas and the certain hope that comes from knowing that, in Christ, God is with us.


Concordia Christmas Concerts at Segerstrom: The Thrill of Hope

Bringing tidings of hopefulness and joy, Concordia celebrates Christmas at the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall. A highlight of the Christmas season, top ensembles from the Music Department perform festive music with carols old and new.

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