Kendra Sitton
Hello! My name is Kendra Sitton and this is my third year here at Concordia. I am a Mass Communication major with a minor in Sociology. With a passion for journalism, I serve as the Concordia Courier's Local/Global editor. When not in class or at work, I enjoy leading an on-campus worship and prayer night, painting, and spending time with friends. I look forward to another year of sharing my experiences at CUI with you!
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Abigail Lozano
Hi! My name is Abigail Lozano. I am an English major with a Global Cultural Studies minor thanks to a life changing semester abroad with Concordia's unique Around-the-World Semester®. I love to be connected to the community on campus through various extracurricular mediums such as singing with Donne di Canto, our women's choir, working on campus, and sharing my experiences with others through blogging about the good, the fun, and the challenging here at CUI. Tune in for tips on how to survive the various challenges students face througout the semester, what it's like to prepare for, go on, and successfully return from a study abroad trip, encouraging devotions, and other such musings.
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