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An International Perspective and A Dream Fulfilled

May 07, 2018 - 2 minute read

Johanna Sceresini

Johanna Sceresini, MBA '15

During her childhood in Argentina, 6,000 miles and one hemisphere away from Southern California, Johanna Sceresini, MBA ’15 was drawn to Warner Bros. TV shows, movies — even their logo. She purposed in her heart to work for Warner Bros. someday. With the help of Concordia University Irvine’s MBA, she achieved that dream.

After earning her undergraduate degree in the U.S., Johanna decided to pursue an MBA, and chose Concordia University Irvine.

With my aspirations to work in movie marketing, there were days I wondered what I was doing in a finance or accounting class. Only later would I fully appreciate the breadth of knowledge I was receiving.

Today, she serves on the marketing team for Warner Bros. movies that oversees all of Latin America. “We are the bridge between what happens domestically and what happens down there,” she says. Their team handles all aspects of movie campaigns — online and social media, trailers and commercials, newspaper ads, press tours and red carpet events with celebrities. Each movie offers a unique challenge.

“Movie marketing campaigns last three to four months, then you move on to another one and are selling a new story,” she says. “Each movie is different in the message you put out there. I enjoy figuring out what angle to go with and what you are going to sell. Is it a movie to watch with your significant other? Or with your friends to have fun? Is it a movie about pushing your limits or about love prevails? It’s always challenging. I love doing it.”

Concordia’s MBA “gave me a business perspective on everything I do,” she says. “Janet Muller is my favorite professor. I learned so much from her. It was a unique education in that you didn’t just study theory but had opportunities to apply it to your job. That was really cool. Being a small program, the professors were there for you. It was great.”

Johanna says she has been “amazed at how much I draw on my Concordia MBA in the movie business. I’m well-versed in balance sheets, budgets, accounting and networking. Even the time at Concordia University Irvine spent working with the Los Angeles Angels baseball team for a class set me up for success in working with film celebrities today.”

People ask what her favorite movie-marketing experience has been. That’s easy, she replies: Wonder Woman.

“Wonder Woman is a movie about how a woman believes in herself and follows her heart to save the world, in spite of what others say about her,” Johanna says. “She’s a stubborn dreamer. Just like me.”

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