A Message from Dr. Michael Thomas April 03, 2024 - 2 minute read Over the years Concordia Magazine has offered stories that highlight how the faculty and staff at Concordia University Irvine form and shape each student into “wise, honorable, and cultivated students who serve society and the church.” In these very words, you read part of our mission statement, and we carry out this life-changing mission each and every day. This publication highlights the many ways in which Concordia holds a distinctive place in the competitive space of higher education. What we do here is different from other private Christian universities, and it’s very different from the public universities throughout California. In this issue, you will learn more about the vital importance that a Lutheran Christian residential campus can play in the formation of our students into maturing adults, but also in forming healthy individuals who will play a foundational role in building communities far beyond Concordia University Irvine, as they learn to love others beyond themselves. In support of this aim, our faculty, staff, and clergy serve as counselors, coaches, mentors, teachers, and spiritual guides as the students adjust to living in community once again. Now, more than ever, the holistic, Gospel-centered education that Concordia provides to each and every student, undergraduate and graduate alike, is desperately needed in today’s society. Yet this sort of personalized education is labor and resource intensive. But it has no substitute! In these pages, two former Concordia employees explain how they have decided to recognize the University in their estate plans. After a life of devoted work to education and the church, they have decided to invest in the future students of Concordia University Irvine. Through careful planning and foresight, they are directing their estate gifts in part to Concordia. What a gift! What a blessing! What a legacy! Many of you have done the same and have recognized Concordia University Irvine in your estate plans. But if you have not thought about your legacy, I encourage you to do so. If your heart is warmed and your interest is piqued by these stories, please reach out to the team in University Advancement at Concordia. We’d love to help guide you through this process so that you can support the important mission of this university in perpetuity. Each dollar makes a difference as we put your gifts to full use to support the holistic and faithful education of each student at Concordia University Irvine. To God alone be the glory! For His Students, Michael A. Thomas, Ph.D. Facebook Twitter Email