SB 1146 Update from President Krueger
Dear Concordia family and friends,
I appreciate your continued efforts in voicing opposition to Senate Bill 1146 (SB 1146), a bill that, if
passed by our State legislature and signed into law by Governor Brown, would seriously threaten the
existence of Concordia University Irvine and other Christian colleges and universities in California.
Yesterday, Thursday, June 30, the Assembly Judiciary Committee amended and passed SB 1146. Frankly,
the amended bill is now more threatening to our religious freedoms and to our ability to serve California
students who desire a Christian education.
In its current form, SB 1146 is a bill about employment. The bill could be used to require us to hire
faculty and staff who do not hold to our Christian beliefs. This is not acceptable.
In its current form, SB 1146 could deny access to low-income students by withholding Cal Grants from
students who want to attend Concordia and other faith-based colleges and universities in California. This
is not acceptable.
In its current form, SB 1146 denies the exercise of our religious freedoms, freedoms guaranteed by the
constitutions of the State of California and the United States. This is certainly not acceptable.
Concordia University Irvine welcomes and desires to serve and educate all students, but we also desire
to educate students in ways consistent with our Christian beliefs.
Because SB 1146 threatens the free exercise of our religious beliefs, Concordia University Irvine stands
with other faith-based schools in California and remains opposed to SB 1146.
The amended bill will be considered by the Assembly Appropriations Committee sometime after the July
recess. In the meantime, we continue to work with legislative leaders, Senator Lara’s office, and other
groups to amend this bill. Thank you for your efforts to help defeat a bill that endangers our religious
freedoms. And, we ask you again to reach out to Assembly members and express your opposition.
We will continue to post updates, as promised.