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Posted on 3/13/2023 - 9 minute read
Concordia’s distinctive brand strategy boldly proclaims its excellence as a comprehensive Lutheran Christian university.
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By Magazine Editorial Team Posted on 7/1/2018 - 9 minute read
Dean and Dian Vieselmeyer met in high school at Concordia teacher’s college in Seward, Nebraska, earned teaching degrees there, got married and headed out on a life of adventure. For thirty-four years they played an integral part in building the organizational infrastructure at Concordia Irvine, both on campus and at their home, where they hosted hundreds of students.
By Magazine Editorial Team Posted on 3/1/2018 - 9 minute read
Kurt Krueger, president of Concordia University Irvine since 2010—and Concordia University Irvine English professor and provost before that—will retire in July, leaving the university in perhaps the strongest state academically, missionally and financially in its history.