Image of a ship's anchor on the sea floor



He Loves Me! He Loves Me Not!

Lent 2019

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

Do you remember the days when a child, struggling with her first crush, would pick petals off a daisy and, with each petal, say to herself, “He loves me. He loves me not”?

Perhaps you never wondered if your crush would or would not love you. But many people can relate to wondering where they stand with another person. In fact, many even wonder where they stand with God.

Thankfully, the Lord of the universe does not keep us wondering; rather He tells us time and again in Scripture of His never failing love for us, His people. Thankfully, God is not fickle like a childhood crush who might love you one day and abandon you the next. In fact, our God tells us exactly what He thinks of us—exactly whether He loves us or not. Anyone left wondering can simply look to Jesus and the cross He bore for us and say, “Wow, He really does loves me!"

Certainly, there are things that we do that displease God. We have not been the people he calls us to be, and have not lived the lives he desires. These things separate us from Him in the most serious and devastating way. But the Scriptures remind us time and time again that God‘s love for us does not depend on how put together we are. Rather, Scripture calls us His beloved people and confirms that while we were still in our sin, He paid the price for it all.

So, no matter how lovable you feel, you can certainly say, “He loves me." In fact, His daisy petals all fall to the ground saying that same phrase. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me!

Faith Spelbring ’00

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